Mary Stuart takes Stratford by storm
STRATFORD, ONT. - The surprise hit at this year’s Stratford Festival has been captivating audiences by using the Catholic-Protestant divide of 1500s England and Scotland as a mirror of post-9/11 society.
NEW YORK - Those "retired and extremely dangerous" (RED) secret agents are back on the case in "RED 2" (Summit), a lively sequel to the 2010 film based on the graphic novels by Warren Ellis and Cully Hamner.
'Importance of faith' key to ridding evil, says 'Conjuring' source
WASHINGTON - One of the self-styled lay exorcists who was called in for both "The Amityville Horror" and the house-haunting that served as the basis for the new movie "The Conjuring" said it is critical to take stock of "the importance of faith" in such situations.
The Conjuring
NEW YORK - Movies involving demonic possession and Catholic faith practices always are an uncomfortable mix, as in "The Conjuring" (Warner Bros.).
King David’s story lost in the telling
TORONTO - For there to be victory, theremust be a battle, says Nathan theProphet in A King’s Heart, theon-stage story of King David. Butin the musical directed by SusanG. Acheson, man’s battle withtemptation is just as dangerous as combat.
With Superman, right makes might
There is a moment during the Zack Snyder film Man of Steel where we witness a convergence of two of the most recognized icons in the western world: the cross and the “S” on Superman’s chest.
Evangelizing through the beauty of music
Chris Bray is steadfast and earnest on record, steadfast and earnest on stage, steadfast and earnest throughout a simple phone call.
Delving into Catholic moral reasoning
The Ethical Being: A Catholic Guide to Contemporary Issues by Scott Kline (Novalis, 264 pages, softcover, $19.95)
It is not inevitable that a Catholic book about ethics must become a Catholic book about sex. Despite the popular notion that morality is the conservative, judgmental and unkind mode of talking about sex, Catholic moral science is not primarily a list of forbidden thoughts and acts which originate south of the belt buckle.
Examining the ‘powerful murder weapon’ of religion
The coastal town of Shediac, N.B., is the lobster capital of the world. Two centuries ago, it was the site of one of the most gruesome murders in Canadian history.
There is no escaping moral judgment
The appearance of yet another film version of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby provides the occasion for reflecting on what many consider the great American novel.
Unique organ festival comes to an end
TORONTO - Organix, the only festival of its kind in Toronto with its focus on the pipe organ, will cease to exist in its current form once the closing Gala Performance wraps up on June 7.
Photography, a Jesuit and discernment
TORONTO - It’s easy for Jesuits to say (as they do), “Find God in all things.” It’s harder to photograph God in all things. Award-winning Jesuit photojournalist Fr. Don Doll never took that challenge lightly.
Church needs to accept the media doesn’t get it
MONTREAL - The relationship between the Church and the media will always be one of tension — something the Church must accept, Gatineau Archbishop Paul-André Durocher told a conference on the New Evangelization and Catholic Communications.