Speaking Out

It has been a month since the war in Ukraine began. Devastating stories and images have been shared on the news daily ever since.

Speaking Out: A collector’s wisdom


My college roommate collects movies from a prestigious home-video distribution company called The Criterion Collection. The company licenses, restores and distributes films it deems worthy of its collection.

Speaking Out: Time to reap lessons of Lent


For all Catholics, the Lenten season holds a particular significance. For schoolchildren, the season was perhaps marked by pancakes in the school gym on Shrove Tuesday and worksheets on what kind of candy we wouldn’t eat for the next month and a half.

Speaking Out: The high cost of plugging in


I once sat in a room at a table with a small group of people doing homework. Except for myself, each person wore earbuds listening to music. I caught snippets of various styles: chords of some rock punk and the melody of a heartfelt ballad … my mind mused what it might be like as I imagined all of the music playing simultaneously without the earbuds. I pondered that everyone would likely be irritated and annoyed as they worked to turn down the music, perhaps allowing one reigning speaker to continue playing. 

Speaking Out: Miniseries crosses a perilous line


Midnight Mass is a recent Netflix miniseries about a predominantly Catholic small island town whose parish priest came back from a pilgrimage changed.

Speaking Out: It all begins with the family


Are young people, particularly those aged 18-30, still interested in religion?

Speaking Out: Mark heritage via knowledge


The history of African-Canadians is vast, and there is so much information to unpack. We must seek to expand our minds and learn continuously. These are practical steps that we can all take to commemorate African-Canadian Heritage Month, celebrated during February.

Speaking Out: Look behind the happily ever


Below-zero February temperatures, red roses, sweetheart candies galore and the timely advent of romantically-saturated Hallmark movies are the tell-tale signsof an impending, and often dreaded, culturally memorialized feast: Valentine’s Day.

Speaking Out: Speak loud through actions


Feb. 1 marks the beginning of Black History Month. Schools will host special programs, workplaces may invite guest speakers and you may find more content on your Facebook, Twitter and Instagram feeds discussing Black history.

Speaking Out: We all have a role in fighting trafficking


This past week, I had the pleasure of interviewing Leanne Timko. She is the director of learning services for the Calgary Catholic School District (CCSD) and an instrumental builder of the school board’s new human trafficking awareness education program. 

Speaking Out: Memento mori: credo for the ages


Many young people seem ecstatic to ‘“remember their death.” But this notion is not as dark and grueling as it looks. Instead, it is an invitation to live wholly.