We live in a country where we are told what to believe, we are pressured to conform, and our religious freedoms are gradually being taken away.

Published in YSN: Speaking Out
Catholic agencies that alter the controversial reproductive rights attestation on the Canada Summer Jobs application will be denied grant money, according to a government spokesperson.
Published in Canada
The anti-abortion organization cited by the employment minister for questionable use of an employment subsidy refutes claims it provoked the government into forcing all Canada Summer Jobs applicants to attest that their “core mandate” supports a woman’s right to obtain an abortion.
Published in Canada
TORONTO – Eighty-seven religious leaders, including Toronto Cardinal Thomas Collins, have called on the Canadian government to strike down a new policy that forces organizations seeking summer jobs grants to accept the pro abortion and gender policies of the Liberal Party.
Published in Canada
OTTAWA – As opposition mounts against a required pro-abortion attestation in the Canada Summer Jobs application, Employment Minister Patty Hajdu is still hoping faith groups will apply.
Published in Canada

Canada’s Catholic bishops say the government’s new Canada Summer Jobs policy infringes on freedom of religion and freedom of conscience.

Published in Canada
OTTAWA – Catholic and other employers who refuse to endorse a woman’s right to abortion will be denied funding from a government program intended to create summer employment for youth, according to new guidelines.
Published in Canada

OTTAWA – The threat facing pro-life organizations of being blacklisted from a federal summer jobs program for students has prompted cries of ideological bias and violation of Parliamentary privilege.

Published in Canada

Canada Summer Jobs is a worthy federal program that subsidizes employment for thousands of high school and university students. Ottawa trumpets that “all small business, not-for-profit organizations and public-sector employers are encouraged to apply for funding” and hire summer students.

Published in Editorial
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