The working document for the October assembly of the Synod of Bishops on synodality has called for responses to how all the baptized can better serve the Catholic Church and help heal humanity's "deepest wounds."

Published in Faith

Fr. Pierre Ducharme, O.F.M., is “riding a high” one week after returning from the Parish Priests for the Synod international meeting in Rome.

Published in Canada

The council of the Synod of Bishops will ask Pope Francis to authorize studies on the need to update canon law, revise the rules for priestly formation, deepen a theological reflection on the diaconate -- including the possibility of ordaining women deacons -- and consider revising a document that provides norms for the relationship of a bishop with members of religious orders in his diocese.

Published in Vatican

Three of us from Concerned Lay Catholics agreed to make the trip to Rome. We saw this as an opportunity to connect with and learn from similar organizations working in other parts of the world, and to learn as much as possible about the official Synodal process itself. We had connections to people both inside and outside the process, so we were confident that our experience would be balanced and well-informed.

Published in Guest Columns

On the eve of the Synod on Synodality, Pope Francis released his Apostolic Exhortation "on the climate crisis," emphasizing the need to "rethink... the question of human power." The Synod is also about the meaning and limits of power with the seeming goal of turning the Catholic Church into a sort of procedural republic, a fellowship of listeners who through “conversations in the Spirit” learn to find a word from God in each other’s experiences. But they will still have to find ways to distribute power, or ways will be found for them.

Published in Special Features

A statement to the Synod on Synodality from Cardinal Charles Maung Bo, Archbishop of Yangon, Myanmar and president of the Federation of Asian Bishops

Published in Verbatim

The months leading up to the now concluded first phase of the Synod on Synodality were marked by anticipation and anxiety in influential Catholic circles. While the majority of Catholics might remain perplexed or indifferent to the Synod, invested Catholics saw change on the horizon.

Published in Special Features

A report summarizing discussions at the assembly of the Synod of Bishops said the church may need more welcoming pastoral approaches, especially to people who feel excluded, but also acknowledged fears of betraying traditional church teachings and practices.

Published in Vatican

On Sunday Oct. 15, members of Concerned Lay Catholics had the opportunity to join Dr. Catherine Clifford for lunch following English Mass at the Jesuit Caravita community in Rome.

Published in Special Features

As members of the assembly of the Synod of Bishops return home, share the results of their work and prepare for the final synod assembly in 2024, they must be on guard against people who will want to make them take sides as if the synod were a political debate, said Dominican Father Timothy Radcliffe.

Published in Special Features

As the Synod on Synodality continues, the global gathering is providing an opportunity for Catholic leaders to share ideas and initiatives -- some of which dovetail with the aims of the National Eucharistic Revival underway in the United States.

Published in Special Features

Some confidential documents from the assembly of the Synod of Bishops were accessible online to anyone who had the address before synod officials restored the need for a username and password, said Paolo Ruffini, prefect of the Dicastery for Communication.

Published in Vatican

With 364 members and dozens of special guests having the right to speak at the assembly of the Synod of Bishops, accurately synthesizing the discussion will be a major undertaking.

Published in Special Features

Relative to its population, Canada is punching above its weight at the Synod on Synodality, currently in its second week in Rome.

Published in Special Features

With the completion of the opening days of the Synod on Synodality having taken place in Rome, a few observations can be offered.

Published in Special Features
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