Canada has world's fastest-growing MAiD regime
Catholic charities unite to meet prisoner hospice needs
In response to the concerns for the rising numbers of incarcerated Canadians asking to end their lives by medical assistance in dying (MAiD), Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Toronto has brought together two organizations that serve the marginalized of society in a unique collaboration to provide end-of-life care for prisoners.
Doctors rise up to fight Nova Scotia MAiD law
The Christian Medical and Dental Association (CMDA) of Canada, along with more than 40 Nova Scotia medical practitioners and 10 Dalhousie medical school graduates, have urged the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Nova Scotia (CPSNS) to renege on a new policy they believe violates their conscience rights.
Prison MAiD safe: Correctional Service of Canada
Despite concerns surrounding the implementation of Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) for Canadian federal prisoners, the Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) is confident the process is fool proof.
Editorial: ‘Is MAiD made for prisoners?’
The appalling contemporary throwback known by its cutesy euphemism “medical aid in dying” (MAiD) is now making its death fingered presence felt in the nation’s jail houses.
Vancouver Catholic hospital faces MAiD ‘conundrum’
More than half a year has now passed since the British Columbia government ordered Vancouver Coastal Health to build a euthanasia facility next to St. Paul’s Hospital, thereby doing an end run around the Catholic hospital’s principled opposition to assisted suicide.
The parents of a terminally ill woman who was transferred to another facility to be euthanized after St. Paul’s Hospital refused to allow the procedure on its premises are suing the provincial government and Providence Health Care, the Catholic health-care provider that operates St. Paul’s.
Concerns surround MAiD for prisoners
Despite recent revisions to guidelines for Medical Aid in Dying (MAiD) in Canadian prisons announced in March, correctional investigator Ivan Zinger remains concerned about a process that remains opaque to public scrutiny.
Euthanasia’s forgotten casualty: palliative care
As support for euthanasia grows across the country, the line between genuine and holistic palliative care and medical assistance in dying has become increasingly blurred nearly inconclusively according to palliative care professionals in Canada.
The Court of Appeal of Alberta has granted the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition (EPC) intervenor status in the controversial case of a 27-year-old Calgary woman with autism seeking approval for medical assistance in dying (MAiD) against her father’s wishes.
Euthanasia bill in France may be 'the marker of the end of a society influenced by Christianity,' expert says
French deputies began to work on the proposed "end of life" bill May 27, which, as it now stands, promises to be extremely permissive regarding euthanasia and medically assisted suicide.
Excerpt from the blog of Alex Schadenberg of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition updating events in the world of medically delivered death.
Judge’s ruling angers pro-life groups
Alberta’s pro-life community is denouncing a Calgary judge’s ruling to permit a 27-year-old woman with autism to receive euthanasia against the wishes of her father, who is opposing her in court.
A decision by a judge in Calgary, Alberta, in favor of a young woman seeking medically assisted suicide over her father's objections amounts to "the blatant devaluing of persons with disabilities," a Canadian activist told OSV News.
‘Dead people don’t cost money’: Calculating cost of MAiD
The grim calculus of tracking the cost of Medical Assistance in Dying shows that B.C. doctors receive $283.85 for every “MAiD Event preparation and Procedure” they perform.