NEW YORK – The daily schedule at the United Nations is jammed with substantial debates and conferences about issues of interest to the universal church.
Published in International

In Grade 6, Tomasz Glod wrote a speech in school about why he would make a great prime minister. 

Published in Youth Speak News

It isn’t just polls that show more than half of Ontarians wish there were no publicly funded Catholic schools. 

Published in Canada

When I was five and people asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I said I wanted to be the first female prime minister of Canada. 

Published in YSN: Speaking Out

OTTAWA – While divided on abortion, the Conservative Party has adopted policies to remove the controversial pro-abortion attestation requirement of the Canada Summer Jobs program and to end funding for overseas abortion as part of Canada’s maternal and child health program.

Published in Canada
CAPE TOWN, South Africa – The church in Zimbabwe said it is prepared to mediate between government and opposition leaders after six people were killed in violence that followed a disputed presidential election.
Published in International

It’s probably a safe bet that Ontario’s new premier has never read Pope Paul VI’s encyclical Humanae Vitae, which reaffirmed the Church’s teaching on marriage, parenthood, procreation and contraception. 

Published in Editorial

OTTAWA – The repeal of Ontario’s controversial sex education curriculum by the new government has elicited reactions ranging from jubilation to gloom among Catholic education stakeholders.

Published in Canada
MANAGUA, Nicaragua – As attacks on Catholic clergy continue and anti-government protesters are besieged by Nicaraguan police and paramilitaries, the bishops said they would pray an exorcism prayer.
Published in International
LIMA, Peru – Peru's bishops expressed support for an overhaul of the country's judicial system after phone-tap recordings revealing influence peddling and corruption became public.
Published in International
MCALLEN, Texas – The journey for many of the new migrants entering the U.S. near the border town of McAllen involves a mix of hardship and blessings.
Published in International
Managua, Nicaragua – As the situation in Nicaragua continues to deteriorate, two of the country's bishops are travelling to Rome, where they will brief Pope Francis on the state of affairs in their nation.
Published in International

Anyone looking for hope from the June 15 Supreme Court of Canada decision on Trinity Western University can find it shining in the pages of the judgment itself.

Published in Register Columnists

The churches that sponsor refugees may be nervous about their budgets over the next three years, but they will probably get through the coming flood of refugee arrivals, according to the organization that represents sponsorship agreement holders across the country.

Published in Canada

Thirty years ago I was in Nicaragua as Daniel Ortega’s first presidency was approaching its best-before date. Apart from a trip to the Holy Land, it was the most inspirational trip of my life because of the people I met, the hardships they endured at the hands of the Americans, and the hopes and dreams that filled their hearts.

Published in Register Columnists