OTTAWA – Pro-life advocates are outraged following an announcement that Canada will grant $8 million to Marie Stopes International (MSI), the world’s largest abortion and abortifacient drug provider which is under investigation in two African nations for illegal activity.

Published in Canada

The other day, I went to pay my respects to the widow and two children of a friend and neighbor whom I played pick-up hockey with for several years. He was only 55.

Published in Register Columnists

OTTAWA – Fr. Tony Van Hee, who was arrested and charged Oct. 24 for violating Ontario’s exclusion zone around abortion facilities, is mounting a constitutional challenge of the law.

Published in Canada
MANILA, Philippines – Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte renewed his attacks on Catholic leaders and urged Filipinos to stop going to church altogether.
Published in International

The federal government’s requirement that churches and their agencies sign an attestation endorsing abortion as a human right before receiving summer job funding violates Canadian human rights in the same way Christian human rights have been violated throughout the Middle East, Conservative leader Andrew Scheer told about 300 people gathered for the annual Christians in the Middle East Benefit Dinner in Toronto Nov. 17.

Published in Canada

EDMONTON – Alberta’s Catholic school system is under attack, and apathy could lead to its downfall.

Published in Canada
VATICAN – The world will not have peace without people having mutual trust and respecting each other's word, the Vatican said as it announced Pope Francis' 2019 World Peace Day message would focus on "good politics."
Published in International

News that Ontario’s provincial government had disbanded its roundtable of experts on violence against women has Catholic Family Services woman abuse specialist Shereen McFarlane worried.

Published in Canada

My plan had been to write this week on the 25th anniversary of Pope John Paul’s encyclical The Splendour of Truth, the sainted pope’s most controversial document. However, as often happens, events intervened and I put off writing that reflection. Maybe next time.

Published in Register Columnists

For most Catholics on the greyer side of the generation divide, student politics today definitely isn’t what it used to be.

Published in Catholic Education

It is said that significant numbers of Catholics have left the Church over the clergy sexual abuse crisis and the ensuing coverup. I cannot verify this since I do not know any Catholics who have made that decision. Nor have I read any news articles which quoted people who have left the Church or which provided analysis showing the emigration of disaffected Catholics.

Published in Register Columnists

All things considered, when the initial haze of marijuana smoke clears on Oct. 17 things are expected to be just as they were the day before in schools around Canada. But that doesn’t mean educators will be complacent.

Published in Canada

The year was 1978. Jim Hughes had known his ups and downs in the business world. He’d experienced some failures but Hughes had worked through them and could finally consider himself a successful businessman. He was 35.

Published in Canada

It would seem the war over euthanasia is over, but the fight is not ending for Alex Schadenberg.

Published in Canada

How little it takes. How few people cross our borders before we allow narratives of fear to start taking hold of us. 

Published in Guest Columnists