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TORONTO - A new Canadian pro-life group has been born after being developed for the better part of a year.

Published in Canada

TORONTO - Five pro-life student groups are before the courts fighting to have their voice heard on campus.

Published in Canada

VATICAN CITY - Pope Francis said that Christians are called to follow the example of the good Samaritan in helping the defenseless who are attacked by those who steal "not only their possessions but also their dignity."

Published in Vatican

WASHINGTON - Liz Moran said the experience of trekking across the United States this summer to spread the Catholic Church's pro-life message was "life changing."

Published in International

In recent years, up-and-coming leaders in the U.S. anti-abortion movement have been pushing for a kinder, gentler strategy for their “pro-life” campaign — an effort to win hearts and minds with an upbeat message and affecting ultrasound photos.

Published in International

OXNARD, Calif. - It is uncertain that a California pro-life group's ongoing series of undercover videos that show Planned Parenthood officials discussing the illegal marketing and sale of fetal tissue will lead to defunding for the nation's leading provider of abortion services.

Published in International

By Michael Kinsalla, Catholic Register Special

A 10-year-old Paraguayan girl is at the centre of an international controversy over “reproductive rights” after she was allegedly raped and impregnated by her stepfather. All cases of child abuse are emotionally contentious and morally outrageous but, as is often the case with vulnerable young women and children, this girl is now a pawn in the wider gambit of the pro-abortion lobby.

Published in Guest Columns

Organizers of a controversial anti-abortion campaign will not back down despite protests about the graphic nature of postcards that have been delivered to mailboxes in Vancouver, Calgary and Toronto.

Published in Canada

WASHINGTON - An Associated Press survey of abortion in the United States this decade has revealed that the number of abortions has gone down by 12 per cent since 2010.

Published in International

Pundits and politicians agree: Ontario’s newly minted Progressive Conservative leader Patrick Brown is in a quagmire.

His problem goes something like this: social conservatives got him elected as leader but pro-life, anti-sex-ed voters aren’t nearly enough to bring the new guy victory in a general election. Sooner or later, they say, Brown must abandon his base.

Published in Guest Columns

OTTAWA - About a half dozen half naked women tried to disrupt the National March for Life here May 14, disrobing and screaming while pro-life politicians addressed thousands on Parliament Hill.

Published in Canada

ROME - Australian Cardinal George Pell expects the upcoming Synod on the Family in October will uphold traditional Church teaching.

Published in Faith

TORONTO - Pro-life groups at Ontario universities have gained an influential ally in their fight for free speech on campus.
The Ontario Civil Liberties Association (OCLA) released a position paper on April 29 opposing “the evident statutory and institutional bias that exists in Ontario against the free-expression rights of pro-life campaigners.”

Published in Canada

Ten years of fighting off friendly fire attacks from the pro-life movement and politically motivated budget cuts from Ottawa has left outgoing Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace executive director Michael Casey feeling inspired, consoled, hopeful and at peace.

Published in Canada

Twenty years ago, on the Feast of the Annunciation 1995, St. John Paul II published one of his signature encyclicals, Evangelium Vitae (The Gospel of Life). It’s important to return to the richness of that teaching, as many who oppose the Church’s pro-life witness having been making mischief with Pope Francis’ remark that Catholics should not be obsessed with abortion.

Published in Fr. Raymond de Souza