Catholic Register Staff

Catholic Register Staff

TORONTO — Learn to keep your parish’s books in the black through the winter and do the Earth a favour at a one-day forum presented by Faith and the Common Good’s Greening Sacred Spaces program.
TORONTO - Caritas is hosting its 13th annual telethon on April 29. The telethon will be aired on the TLN Telelatino Television Network.
TORONTO - The social responsibility and environmental sustainability driven Jantzi Social Index continues to run neck-and-neck with conventional stock market indexes despite its underexposure in the energy sector.
TORONTO - A member of Ontario’s provincial legislature wants the province to recognize April 2 as Pope John Paul II Day. On that very day, Conservative MPP Frank Klees planned to introduce into the legislature a private member’s bill to commemorate the day the late pope died two years ago.
TORONTO - The Thomas Merton Society of Canada is offering an opportunity to get to know the 20th century’s most famous American monk.
TORONTO - A peace prayer will unite Christians of every stripe at St. James Anglican Cathedral in downtown Toronto April 22 at 4:30 p.m.

TORONTO - Any time you want to talk about religious vocations, just call Archbishop Thomas Collins. His phone number is (416) 934-0606.

TORONTO - This year’s ShareLife campaign to “recognize, reflect and respond” is now underway.
TORONTO - Leaders of Catholic lay movements in the archdiocese of Toronto will attend an annual symposium March 24.
TORONTO - Leaders of Catholic lay movements in the archdiocese of Toronto will attend an annual symposium March 24.