Catholic Register Staff
Remarks by Pope Francis at Indonesia’s Istiqlal Mosque
Remarks by Pope Francis at Indonesia’s Istiqlal Mosque during the Holy Father’s visit to that country as well as New Guinea, Timor-Leste and Singapore Sept. 2-13, 2024.
An open letter to from Richard Dur to Alberta Premier Danielle Smith about Jordan Peterson
An open letter from Richard Dur, executive director of Prolife Alberta, to Alberta Premier Danielle Smithabout Jordan Peterson, free speech and abortion clinic bubble zones.
Lives Lived for Life
A special Commemorative Magazine celebrating those who have made it their life's work to keep alive the pro-life movement and especially the truth of the pro-life message of humanity from conception to natural death
Lawsuit accuses Fr. Rosica of sexually assaulting young priest
A lawsuit launched in March has accused Fr. Thomas Rosica, the national director of World Youth Day 2002 in Toronto, of sexually assaulting a young priest in the lead up to event.
Canada’s Catholics are invited to join in the global celebration of the World Day of Prayer for Creation, calling all to unite in prayer, reflection and action for the protection and preservation of our common home.
Excerpt from Pope Francis’ message for the World Day of Creation
Excerpt from Pope Francis’ message for the World Day of Creation to be celebrated Sept. 1, 2024.
Campaign Life Coalition, a national pro-life advocacy organization, has been labelled a “hate movement” by the Canadian Anti-Hate Network.
Parisian perversity
As a former competitive amateur athlete in multiple sports, I watched with childlike anticipation the opening ceremonies of the Paris Summer Olympics. However, my natural appreciation of sports, its celebrities, and the beautiful Paris skyline quickly turned to disgust and horror as the ceremony continued to unfold.
Verbatim: An excerpt from a letter of Pope Francis on the fourth centenary of the birth of Blaise Pascal
An excerpt from The Apostolic Letter of Pope Francis on the fourth centenary of the birth of Blaise Pascal delivered in Rome on June 19, 2024.
Message for World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly from His Grace Most Reverend Francis Leo Metropolitan Archbishop of Toronto