Throughout the month of May, we have been responding to the call from Palestinian Christians to pray and walk in solidarity with them by making a “Ceasefire Pilgrimage” for peace. The idea is that people walk 42 km, either on their own or in combination with others, the distance it takes to traverse the entire length of Gaza. It is an ecumenical effort coordinated in Canada by KAIROS.

Christ’s face defeats anti-God Communists


Do you feel helpless in the face of spreading global Communism? Fear not, Our Lord has already given us a spiritual gift to defeat Communism’s anti-God and therefore anti-human evils. This gift is His own Sacred Face. 

18 candles light the Church on the Street


Anniversaries are for reminiscing, and “The Church on the Street” reached its 18th anniversary this month. 

The heresy of declaring holy war


Patriarch Kirill of the Russian Orthodox Church is espousing heresy. His views are heretical because he has enlisted God in a campaign of violence, declaring that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is a holy war. 

We all need to watch our words


Wacko. Liar. Cheater. Predator.

Recent headlines shine the spotlight on a growing trend polluting our public spaces: name-calling, accusations, put-downs, swearing and other forms of abusive language hurled at those we think are wrong or have failed us.

Marriage matters when friends and family blur


Growing up, my Aunt Louise was at our house for every major holiday. My sister and I slept over at her house when my parents were moving. To this day I get nostalgic about Dr. Pepper for the simple reason that she let me drink it.

Protests show young must learn wisdom


I’ve often said the dumbest place I’ve ever been is university. Said often tongue in cheek, when I see what is happening on campuses across North America right now, it’s really not that far off base.

At minimum the poor deserve dignity


The issue of a guaranteed basic minimum income (BMI) is again before the public thanks to a bill before the Senate that would implement such a national income support program. It would be too much to say that poverty is a front-burner concern. Reducing poverty is almost never a major issue for most of the population. It seems only those who suffer poverty or have experienced in the past know its debilitating effects.

Sr. Burns’ curative for 18 signs of feminism


We’ve often heard that someone “read their way into the Catholic Church,” but have we ever considered that we can read our way out of something negative? I can attest to the possibility, because I basically read my way out of decades-long radical feminism.

Fiction that reveals the truth of Christ


Some readers who, like me, have a fondness for a good English novel, particularly those with a Catholic bent, will be familiar with the works of Fr. Robert Hugh Benson (1871-1914). Benson ranks among the great 19th and early 20th century Anglican converts along with Evelyn Waugh, Ronald Knox and St. John Henry Newman. Each of them left behind a significant corpus of writing that continues to delight and inspire us today. 

The heartfelt sound of human solidarity


This column is a thank-you to 52,629 people — everyone who signed our Stand for the Land campaign letter to the Honduran Ambassador to Canada.  The letter draws the attention of the Government of Honduras to the struggles of people in Guapinol and the San Pedro sector. Since 2015, these communities have been protesting an open-pit iron mine that was irregularly set up in Carlos Escaleras National Park. Their struggle has come at great cost. Community members have been unjustly detained and three have even been murdered.