Stockland is publisher of Convivium magazine and a senior fellow at Cardus.

The online publication The Catholic Thing recently dubbed Pope Francis “idiosyncratic” for his insistence that evangelical encounters should witness to Christ without having a proselytizing edge. 

Peter Stockland: Religious bigotry born of ignorance


Alberta MP Garnett Genuis was right when he blamed “anti-Catholic bigotry” for the current attacks on Conservative leader Andrew Scheer.

Peter Stockland: Pro-life fight must turn to culture war


There is prudence in learning from the well-intended critiques of our critics even if the lesson isn’t what they necessarily want to teach us.

Peter Stockland: Humanity challenged by partisan rhetoric


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau refused to change how he campaigned in election 2019 just because he needed paramilitary-style protection from a death threat at a Thanksgiving weekend event.

Peter Stockland: Leave some energy for our faith issues


Somehow in the tsunami of humanity flooding Montreal’s downtown streets for last Friday’s “climate march,” I spotted an elegantly dressed woman wearing a small white lapel button protesting Quebec’s Bill 21.

Peter Stockland: Climate changing around ‘R-word’


At Montreal’s Concordia University, where I study the wonders of Ireland north and south for several hours each week, a large sign asks students how they feel about climate change.

Peter Stockland: Trudeau fails acceptance test


Early in junior high school, I watched a kid named Frank play out what I was certain, even then, would be a pattern for his life.

Peter Stockland: Abortion battle cloaked in defeat


Belfast, Northern Ireland -- In the mid-19th century, St. Malachy’s Church on Alfred Street added to its existing structure the largest bell in a city full of Catholic churches and Protestant houses of worship.

Peter Stockland: Emerging light burns for religious freedom


There can be no denying Canadians are heading into summer 2019 after one of the darkest years for religious freedom in the country’s history. 

Peter Stockland: Conscience battle hits ‘cuckoo’ stage


I can never decide whether it’s the optimist or the masochist in me that believes the relentless assault on conscience rights is set to collapse under its own absurdity.

Common sense waits in the wings


Even those who resisted expansion of gay rights from the mid-1990s to 2011 ultimately conceded the absurdity of the U.S. military’s so-called “don’t ask/don’t tell” policy.