MONTREAL – A proposal to ground its message more firmly in Catholic teaching is causing disagreement in Quebec’s largest pro-life organization.

Published in Canada

OTTAWA – The threat facing pro-life organizations of being blacklisted from a federal summer jobs program for students has prompted cries of ideological bias and violation of Parliamentary privilege.

Published in Canada

Canada Summer Jobs is a worthy federal program that subsidizes employment for thousands of high school and university students. Ottawa trumpets that “all small business, not-for-profit organizations and public-sector employers are encouraged to apply for funding” and hire summer students.

Published in Editorial

OTTAWA – The crowd for the National March for Life has grown from the hundreds to the tens of thousands since its inception in 1997, but that doesn’t mean the 20th edition of the event in Ottawa on May 11 is a cause of celebration.

Published in Canada

STOCKHOML, Sweden – A Swedish midwife who refused to perform abortions has lost another court decision, but her supporters say the court neglected her freedom of conscience.

Published in International

WASHINGTON – Pro-life and religious freedom advocates cheered the Senate’s confirmation of Judge Neil Gorsuch on Friday to the U.S. Supreme Court, filling an almost 14 month-long vacancy.

Published in International

WASHINGTON – The chairman of the U.S. bishops' pro-life committee and other prominent pro-life leaders cheered the U.S. State Department's April 3 announcement that it would no longer contribute to the U.N. Population Fund because of the agency's involvement in China's Population and Family Planning Law, long known as the "one-child policy."

Published in International

WASHINGTON – U.S. Vice President Mike Pence cast the deciding vote in the Senate Thursday (March 30) to advance a measure allowing states to once more have the freedom to avoid funding Planned Parenthood clinics with federal “family planning” grants.

Published in International

WASHINGTON – Judge Neil Gorsuch deserves “swift confirmation” to the U.S. Supreme Court, leaders of pro-life and pro-family groups have said.

Published in International

WASHINGTON – After President Donald Trump addressed a joint session of Congress on Tuesday, pro-life leaders wished he had spoken more to their concerns of federal abortion funding in health care.

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OTTAWA – A new pro-life group believes Conservative leadership candidates must have more than proper pro-life credentials. Candidates must also have the ability to form a government.

Published in Canada

As their U.S. brethren bask in finding an ally in the Trump administration, pro-lifers in Canada understand they still have much work to do in turning the tide in favour of life north of the border.

Published in Canada

WASHINGTON (CNS) – Vice President Mike Pence told pro-life advocates from across the U.S. Jan. 27 that "life is winning in America, and today is a celebration of that progress."

Published in International

RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil – Brazilian feminist Sara Winter used to work to legalize abortion. She was one of the founders of a radical group that carries out offensive topless protests at churches.

Published in International

For Kevin Dunn, being pro-life is a family affair.

Published in Life & Family