Sanity prevails with ‘no’ to drugs

When even the Trudeau government just says ‘no’ to drug decriminalization, it’s clear the push to flood addicts’ bodies and urban life with stupefying  toxins has gone too far.

Christ’s face defeats anti-God Communists

Do you feel helpless in the face of spreading global Communism? Fear not, Our Lord has already given us a spiritual gift to defeat Communism’s anti-God and therefore anti-human evils. This gift is His own Sacred Face. 

Message from Pope Francis to the International Conference on Sport and Spirituality

The message “Putting life into play” from Pope Francis to the International Conference on Sport and Spirituality held in Rome May 16-18.

  • May 23, 2024

Literature for travelling reconciliation’s long road

Reconciliation between Indigenous peoples and entities of the Catholic Church will be a long road to travel. Dr. Natasha Duquette has taken some steps along this road by recently offering an academic course called Indigenous Writers of North America.

18 candles light the Church on the Street

Anniversaries are for reminiscing, and “The Church on the Street” reached its 18th anniversary this month. 

The heresy of declaring holy war

Patriarch Kirill of the Russian Orthodox Church is espousing heresy. His views are heretical because he has enlisted God in a campaign of violence, declaring that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is a holy war. 

Abuse ruptures faith in Church

Most Catholics experience the crisis of sexual abuse by clergy in relation to headlines, as stories from around the globe or from the local parish where a trusted priest has been removed. Yet the pain of abuse within the Church bleeds somewhere else, in Someone else’s wounds, which are the only place where hope for healing may be found for any of us.

We all need to watch our words

Wacko. Liar. Cheater. Predator.

Recent headlines shine the spotlight on a growing trend polluting our public spaces: name-calling, accusations, put-downs, swearing and other forms of abusive language hurled at those we think are wrong or have failed us.

What the world needs now: kids

Worried about climate change? Hold onto your hat for demographic winter.

Podcast helps pro-lifers learn to listen

Abortion for any reason at any time has become radically normalized. One need look no further than abortion groups’ distribution of abortifacients at pop star Olivia Rodrigo’s concerts to see how much it pervades our culture. As a father of three daughters within the average ages of Rodrigo’s fans, my heart breaks for all women who have been sold the false promises of abortion. Thankfully, the distribution of these drugs has since stopped after widespread media backlash. Nevertheless, scenarios like this show that the lies of abortion are constantly bombarding vulnerable women and girls.

Holy Land bias

I was disappointed with the Register’s April 21 front page and page 5 article. It was a one-sided view of a very complicated situation.