Evil divide

  • October 4, 2024

“As Democrats, Christians, Catholics, have an advantage on that score.” (The Catholic Register editorial Sept. 22, 2024.)

Your words divide us already. As if Republicans are more evil?

I believe it is Democrats and Liberals who are pushing for unlimited abortion, euthanasia, multi-gender ideology, and all kinds of legislation that persecutes and obstructs the teaching of our faith and incites hatred towards the Church and the faithful. It is not Republicans that are burning down churches, shutting down pregnancy centres and pushing an agenda that is only tolerant of one way of thinking.

There is evil on both sides. Democrats just think they are above the fray. Under which government did the citizens of the U.S.A. and the Church fare better?

That might be a better question.

Deacon George Jurenas
St. Joseph’s Parish
Streetsville, Ont.

(The editorial referred to lower-case “d” democrats -The Editor.)

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