A Catholic Register special section
Photo from Catholic Missions In Canada
Amid an inflationary economy and despite high interest rates, donors to Catholic Missions In Canada (CMIC) determinedly delivered hearty monetary support in 2024.
From Toronto to Vancouver, the United Arab Emirates to the Philippines, whether you examine the Daily TV Mass in a nationwide or worldwide context, this institution's 26-year legacy is remarkable and important.
At two words, John 11:35 is the shortest verse in the Holy Bible — and yet its significance cannot be overstated. Jesus, the son of God in human flesh, sheds tears through His grief at the death of Lazarus showing His humanity as He sympathizes with our pain and suffering.
Advisors with Purpose is a nonprofit organization helping Christians leave behind a legacy that reflects the lives they have lived through stewardship-based estate planning.
November 4, 2024
I have always made it a priority to support not only the charity that I have worked with, but also many other charities that serve our greater communities.
A gift in kind to your favourite charity is always good for a tax receipt, but arriving at the gift’s fair market value can be difficult.