Vanessa Santilli-Raimondo, The Catholic Register
Vanessa is a communications coordinator in the Office of Public Relations and Communications for the Archdiocese of Toronto and former reporter and youth editor for The Catholic Register.
You can follow her on twitter @V_Santilli.
Vanessa Santilli-Raimondo: Audiobooks are a feast for my ears
I officially jumped on the audiobook bandwagon about a year ago.
Pesto tastes like summertime to me.
It’s big news for fans of J.R.R. Tolkien that Amazon has made a billion-dollar commitment to bring to television a five-season series based on the epic Lord of the Rings fantasy saga.
When I was 10 years old, I’d spend hours creating posters that screamed out in bold letters: “Save the Whales!”
Vanessa Santilli-Raimondo: My piano keeps my life in tune
There is a special type of panic that is reserved for watching your piano being maneuvered up three flights of stairs.
Vanessa Santilli-Raimondo: Silence is indeed golden
In today’s world, people are mostly foreign to stillness.
Research can never break my canine bond
This Christmas, shop fair trade
In Pope Benedict’s 2009 encyclical Caritas in Veritate, he wrote, “It is good for people to realize that purchasing is always a moral — and not simply economic — act. Hence the consumer has a specific social responsibility, which goes hand-in-hand with the social responsibility of the enterprise.”
One priest’s vision will benefit his brethren for years to come
In life, Fr. Edwin Platt exhibited a great love for the priesthood and for the well-being of his fellow priests. In death, that love will endure due to a gift Fr. Platt left for the benefit of his priestly brethren.