Jean Ko Din, The Catholic Register

Jean Ko Din, The Catholic Register

Jean Ko Din is Youth Editor at The Catholic Register.

You can reach her at or 416-934-3410 ext. 403.

For 20 years, the Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul have lined a small corner in front of Kingston’s City Hall to stand in solidarity with the poor and vulnerable in society.

Don Piper died instantly when an oncoming semi-trailer truck crashed into his car on his way home from a conference on Jan. 18, 1989. By the time paramedics were on the scene, they found his body crushed by the roof of his Ford Escort. He had no pulse and the paramedics were just waiting for the medical examiner to arrive to make it official.

After 12 years of belt tightening, the Diocese of Peterborough is poised to pay off a near-crippling $14-million debt.

Updated 03/09/15
MARKHAM, ONT. - Christians in the Middle East should not be considered as collateral damage of the wars in Syria and Iraq, says Patriarch Mor Ignatius Aphrem II during his first apostolic visit to Canada.

If God truly has a sense of humour, He would probably enjoy reading the Tomics Collection book by Tom Gould.

Tomics are weekly “religious funnies” published by The Catholic Fellows, a lay ministry that fosters men’s spiritual fellowship. Every Friday, their website features a new comic strip inspired by Scripture readings, lives of the saints or Catholic teaching.

Blessed Junipero Serra’s motto was “always forward, never back.” But as the date nears for his canonization by Pope Francis, Serra’s life of faithful evangelization is being fiercely — and many say unfairly — questioned by detractors who insist on looking back into the life and times of the 18th-century missionary priest.

THORNHILL, Ont. - The Philippines received relief aid from around the world when Typhoon Haiyan hit the country’s shores almost two years ago. But for Bishop Gerardo Alminaza of the Diocese of San Carlos, it was one Canadian parish that stands out for having left a particular impact on his community.

Registration is now open for World Youth Day 2016 and Canadian pilgrims are beginning to mobilize. Individuals, groups of friends, parishes and archdioceses are all preparing for their trip to Krakow, Poland, next summer.

TORONTO - Limitless is the word to describe the future of the Catholic Church after downtown Toronto was witness to more than 1,600 youth in prayer and celebration at the second annual Steubenville Toronto conference.

August 8, 2015

Think big, pray big

Days before the Steubenville Toronto weekend, I wracked my brain thinking about what the theme of the conference could mean. Limitless is such a big word, but after experiencing the conference, I think that was the point.

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  • Jean's Photo Diary

    July 26, 2016: The shrine of the Black Madonna was opened to World Youth Day pilgrims so that they could venerate the miraculous image up close. (Photo by Jean Ko Din)

    Follow our reporter Jean Ko Din as she photographs her journey to Krakow, Poland for the 2016 World Youth Day.