Youth Speak News

It is ironic to me that university institutions whose primary goal is to foster curiosity and the thirst for knowledge should work so hard to stifle groups and messages which run contrary to its politically correct ideology.

Tattoos, body piercings and the church


{mosimage}Victoria Laaber goes to Mass every week and is an active part of her parish youth group. She also happens to have piercings on her nose and tongue, as well as a tattoo.

P.E.I. youth join to make a difference


SUMMERSIDE, P.E.I. - A number of youth in Summerside gathered near the end of February at the local Presbyterian church to celebrate their faith ecumenically at the Make a Difference Rally.

Making a difference one recycled can at a time


{mosimage}BRAMPTON, Ont. - Ian McGillivray single-handedly became his high school’s recycling program after he noticed it didn’t have one.

Finding peace in tragedy


I believe that nothing can happen that God does not will, and all things work to the good of those who love God — even in the midst of tragedy.

Lending hope where there is little


{mosimage}TORONTO - When Marilyn Ize-Dukuze was 12 she was inspired to help children in Africa. This led her to found Green Hope for Children, a Toronto-based group that raises funds to provide children and orphans in Rwanda and Sudan with an education. To date, the organization has helped 16 children in Rwanda and 10 in Sudan.

Saying 'yes' to service


{mosimage}As the archdiocese of Quebec prepares to host the International Eucharistic Congress in June young adults are volunteering their time to help make it happen.

Don't be strangers


Have you ever told a friend or loved one to “stay in touch”? Cell phones, palm pilots, instant messaging, web cams — these gadgets are designed to bring us all a little closer to each other. Yet there are so many in our world who feel more alone with each passing day.

Prayer builds church community


{mosimage}Editor's Note: This is a runner-up essay winner in the Friars’ Student Writing Award. Erin Stackhouse is a Grade 12 student at Jean Vanier Catholic High School. This is the last of six winning essays that the The Register published in the past weeks.

All across the world, Christian communities experience difficulties that they are challenged to overcome. Such can only be achieved through one thing: unity. Unity within Christianity has always been of utmost importance because without it, the church would never have been able to survive from the beginning. Even in modern society, persecution still exists and unity is relied upon more than ever for the purpose of keeping the Christian faith alive. One of the most effective ways that the church can unify themselves is through prayer; it not only brings people together as a community and strengthens personal morals and beliefs, but it also provides Christians with a way through which they can influence the world they live in from day to day.


Discerning God's will


It’s easy to say that being in Grade 12 has been one of the best years so far in my life. But the pressure is on. Second semester is underway and the next steps are just around the corner.

A different kind of WYD pilgrimage


{mosimage}TORONTO - World Youth Day will start sooner for newlyweds David and Gillian Kantor than for most people.