The Catholic Register

Speaking Out: Recharge yourself with the Bible

June 30, 2021

YSN: Speaking Out

Congratulations on navigating another year of school burdened with COVID-19 adversity. I cannot understate that kids, teens, young adults and mature students alike all deserve to bask in the glow of summer vacation.

Hopefully, the metrics continue trending in the right direction to compel governments to loosen pandemic restrictions so everyone can experience the freedom that is supposed to accompany summer.

To complement the fun outdoor activities with family or friends that will replenish your body and spirit, I advocate that you also renew your mind by reading the Bible this summer, notably The New Testament, to reacquaint yourself with Christ’s wisdom.

I’ve been poring through my Bible more than ever in 2021. Romans 12:2, in particular, has become a touchstone for me. It reads: “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is — His good, pleasing and perfect will.”

I would argue that the nature of our “on-demand” world has set up effective mental obstacles in our path to prevent us from diving into a renewal. At the tip of our fingertips, we shop, socialize and enjoy every form of entertainment without leaving our house. Our brains are conditioned to be in “receiver” or “consumer” mode.

This mentality won’t work. You cannot find higher knowledge during “Netflix and chill” sessions. It takes a special proactive effort to unearth the wisdom to attaining and embodying “Christ Consciousness.” It is not supposed to be easy to experience spiritual truth considering 1 John 5:19 states “the whole world is under the control of the evil one.”

Satan unveiled his playbook in Genesis 3 when he craftily tempted Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. The first man and woman lived in perfect bliss knowing God loved them and they were created in His image. But their decision to eat the apple shattered this idyllic existence forever. The devil coerced them to ruminate upon and become scared of how they were disunited from God. 

This modus operandi is evident today. So many powerful secular institutions are accentuating the many divisions between religion, sex, political affiliation and class. This ideological polarization hinders our ability to appreciate how we are all God’s children and we are empowered to manifest Heaven on Earth.

A simple decision to unplug for a few days allows us to remember the real world is far different than the hyperbolic anger that dominates social media platforms. Humanity and person-to-person connection can be found. 

Reading the Bible is another avenue to rediscover how to model Christ-like behaviour on Earth and recognize how people who have rejected God are executing their strategy to divide and conquer.

Romans 12:2 is not an outlier in its call for us to renew our minds.

God bless you and your loved ones this summer. I wish for all of you to experience a rejuvenation of mind, body and spirit.

(Amundson is The Register’s Youth Speak News Editor)

YSN: Speaking Out