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Here are the Bible Book(s)/Chapter(s) to read each day this week. Note that the readings are based on the New American Bible.
Numbers Chapters 17-20
Read Numbers 18:29 again.
Today’s reading includes a section about giving tithes of our resources to God’s work. Numbers 18:29 tells us that we are to give the best part of what we have to the Lord.
Take a moment to talk to God about how you typically spend your days from the time you wake up to when you go to sleep. Then, ask God if there’s a way to use your time and energy more efficiently, so that you’ll be able to offer the best of yourself to God, to your family and to others in your life.
When you pray or read the Bible, do you do this when you have the least energy or the most energy during your day?
Numbers Chapters 21-24
In today’s reading, Balak asked Balaam to speak a curse on the Israelites. However, Balaam could only speak blessings on them, because he only spoke what God commanded him to speak.
Ask God to give us the grace to be able to speak blessings on others, friends and enemies alike.
Have you ever noticed someone who makes a special effort to say nice things about others? If so, what sort of effect did these spoken blessings have on the people receiving them and on others who overheard them?
Numbers Chapters 25-27
In the Book of Numbers, we see that land was distributed to male Israelites. In spite of the existing policy, the daughters of Zelophehad went before Moses, the priest Eleazar, princes and the whole community to ask for a share of the land. The Lord told Moses that their claim was just. (See Numbers 27:1-11).
Ask God to give wisdom both to people in power and to people in need so that solutions are found with mutual respect.
Did the daughters of Zelophehad show respect to the rulers of the community? Did the rulers of the community show respect to them?
Numbers Chapters 28-30
In Numbers Chapter 28, the Lord told Moses that the Israelites must offer sacrifices each morning and each evening.
Ask God what types of sacrifices you can offer God each day.
Do you have a regular schedule for praying or for reading the Bible? Have you considered trying to attend Mass daily? If you are a parent, do you ever pray with your children or read stories from the Bible and about saints to them?
Numbers Chapters 31-33
In Numbers Chapter 33, we read an outline of the stages of the Israelite journey up until their entry into the Promised Land.
Read Matthew 5:14-16 and then ask God to give us opportunities to make our light shine in our current life circumstances.
In your own life journey up until now, what role did the different places in which you “camped” help you to grow spiritually (schools, jobs, cities, countries)? What do you think that you need to do to take full possession of the “land” that you are in right now? Is there some unresolved issue that you need to deal with?
Numbers Chapters 34-36
In Numbers Chapter 34, we read that the Lord established geographical boundaries for the Israelites.
Ask God to help us develop skills in respecting our own and other people’s “boundaries” so that child sex abuse, date rape, domestic violence and other abuses will be prevented.
What are your physical and emotional boundaries? What are the physical and emotional boundaries of your family members, friends, coworkers and other people in your life? Are these boundaries respected?
Deuteronomy Chapters 1-4
Today’s reading repeats and summarizes some of the events in the Israelite journey that we have already read. Repetition is often used to indicate that an idea is important to remember.
Read Deuteronomy 4:9 again.
Ask God to show us ways to remind ourselves of what is good and beautiful in life.
If you have a home or place of work, do you have any objects there to help you think positive, hopeful thoughts?
A version of this story appeared in the July 14, 2024, issue of The Catholic Register with the headline "Blessings are for friends and enemies alike".
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