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Here are the Bible Book(s)/ Chapter(s) to read each day this week. Note that the readings are based on the New American Bible.
Deuteronomy Chapters 29-31
Read Deuteronomy 29:1-8 again several times slowly and prayerfully, while imagining yourself listening to Moses, surrounded by the members of the various tribes of the Israelites. Imagine the temperature, the time of day, the sounds of children and the smells of the earth and of the animals. Imagine what you might have eaten and had to drink that day.
Ask God what He may be trying to show you through this exercise in prayerful meditation.
Each time that you read through these verses, are there particu- lar words, phrases or images that stood out to you?
Deuteronomy Chapters 32-34
Read Deuteronomy 32:7 again. The first five books of the Bible,
called the Pentateuch, describe the history of a people who have remained together for generations.
Ask God to strengthen family ties and to help those whose families have been scattered to find meaning, purpose and a sense of belonging in their lives.
In your own family, is it possible to ask your parents or grandparents about their past life experiences?
Joshua Chapters 1-5
Today, we begin reading about how God’s promise to give land to the Israelites was fulfilled under the leadership of Moses’ successor, Joshua.
Joshua 3:14-17 tells us that the ark of the covenant went ahead of the Israelites as they were crossing
the Jordan River on their way to the Promised Land and stayed there until all the Israelites had passed.
Ask God to help us to remember that God is always with us, even when we are in rough waters.
What does today’s reading tell you about the times when you enter into a time of trial?
Joshua Chapters 6-10
To bring down the wall of Jericho, the Israelites had to march and shout in perfect synchronization.
Ask God to help us to serve the Church in perfect harmony with others.
What do you suppose would happen if an instrumental musician, or a singer, decided to perform his or her own tune in the middle of a deeply moving, quiet section of a musical piece?
Joshua Chapters 11-15
Read Joshua 11:20 again. What was your emotional reaction to reading this verse? This verse, at first reading, seems to tell us that God wanted to exterminate a particular group of people. However, when reading other sections of the Bible, we know that
God wants all people to be saved. Ask God to help us to read through the parts of the Bible that are emotionally difficult to read and to accept the fact that we won’t
always understand their meaning. When reading through the Bible, it is important to remember that it takes much study of the Bible as a whole, of the original languages in which the Bible was written and of various methods available to modern scholars in theories of interpretation, to come to the best understanding that we can have of some of the more difficult sections. Is God calling you to serious study of any particular topics in the Bible?
Joshua Chapters 16-20
Today’s reading tells us about how the Israelites divided up the land by lots. It is interesting to see that the Lord had commanded them to set up cities of refuge for those who had unintentionally killed a person.
Ask God to provide refuge to all those in need of safety, rest and space for building firm founda- tions in their lives.
Take a moment to think about places of refuge. What refugees come to mind? Who are the people needing refuge in your own life?
Joshua Chapters 21-24
Read Joshua 21:43-45 again. Today’s reading describes, in great detail, the fulfillment of God’s promise to the Israelites.
Ask God to give us the gift of perseverance as we work towards the fulfillment of God’s promises in our own lives.
Take a moment to imagine the new land of the Israelites — all the various cities and tribes. Imagine yourself as one of the members of a tribe, in one of the cities, and think about the very long journey, all the conflicts between tribe members and all the doubts that you had before God’s promise was fulfilled. Imagine your feelings now that you are finally in this new land.
A version of this story appeared in the July 28, 2024, issue of The Catholic Register with the headline "In times of trial, God is with us".
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