Brevan Dias (left) of Father Henry Carr Catholic Secondary School and Kelly Liang from Senator O'Connor College School were two of the Toronto Catholic District School Board's Top Scholars for 2023-24. They earned percentage averages of 97.83 and 98.83 respectively.
Photos courtesy TCDSB
August 24, 2024
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Brevan Dias and Kelly Liang, two of the 14 Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) Top Scholars for 2023-24, while pleased with their own scholarly performance expressed gratitude for the support they received from their respective learning communities.
Dias, who recorded a 97.83 per cent average in Grade 12 at Fr. Henry Carr Secondary School, saluted his teachers for always being present for him and his peers when they required assistance.
“The teachers were great,” said Dias. “A lot of them take time out of class after school if you needed help. We had a lot of tutoring (opportunities) particularly for math and sciences.”
Liang, who accrued a 98.83 per cent average at Senator O'Connor College School, accomplished the rare transfer into the Catholic school system for Grade 12 after years enrolled in public schools.
“I knew no one at Senator O’Connor,” said Liang. “I was a complete stranger and I was intimidated. My classmates were warm and welcoming to me during in-class discussions, and they would approach and ask me if I wanted to be in their group. My teachers were also encouraging me to join clubs and be a part of the school community.”
While Dias and Liang spotlighted the people in their corner, TCDSB Chair Nancy Crawford offered the adulations for what they and their 12 scholarly peers accomplished.
“We are incredibly proud of all the 2023-24 TCDSB Top Scholars,” said Crawford. “These students exemplify how dedication and striving for excellence, in alignment with our Catholic Graduate Expectations, can lead to success. We wish them the best as they pursue their post-secondary studies and contribute positively to our world.”
Director of education Brendan Browne commended the character strengths exhibited by these teenagers throughout their journey to record percentage averages of 97 to 100 per cent while also tipping his cap to the parents and teachers.
“Each student's commitment to their education showcases their dedication, resilience and perseverance in achieving their goals,” said Browne. “We extend our sincere appreciation to the staff and the students' families for their unwavering support throughout this academic journey.”
In addition to exhibiting excellence on their examinations and assignments, Dias, Liang and the other 12 honourees are well rounded outside the classroom. Dias was co-captain of the school chess team, he played volleyball, earned MVP status from the Etobicoke Junior Badminton Club while also coaching younger players. He also altar serves and provides mentorship for kids new to this ministry at St. Peter’s Parish in Vaughan, Ont. He said that he did call upon the Lord throughout the road from Kindergarten to graduation.
“I always trust in Him and I would pray to Him before tests,” said Dias. “These quick prayers would always guide me in the right direction.”
As for Liang, she earned an Ontario Volunteer Service Award for her contributions to Across U-Hub, an East Asian youth enrichment community organization operating in Markham, Ont. She is also a language enthusiast who studies French literature and devotes time to creative writing.
Liang told The Register that she is taking the time to determine what she wants to do for her life. Meanwhile, Dias is enrolled in McMaster University’s iBioMed (Integrated Biomedical Engineering & Health Sciences) program, which marries his interests in technology and the sciences. His end goal is to create a medical device startup. He envisions artificial intelligence capable of providing a comprehensive patient diagnosis.
The other 2023-24 TCDSB Scholars are:
(Amundson is a staff writer for The Catholic Register.)
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