Seeing Christ in the face of all: we are worthy of love

It was a sight of beauty. Perhaps as beautiful a thing as I have ever seen. I saw it during morning rush hour on a freezing cold day in front of a busy Toronto bus stop. I was driving and fortunately the light turned red, allowing me to look more closely at what was taking place.

It’s a start

A remarkable statement signed by more than 200 prominent political and religious leaders from the Muslim world has boldly asserted that Islamic persecution of Christians and others is “unconscionable” and must end if the world is to find peace.

For the irrational, there will always be a never-ending battle

I was surprised recently to read that defunding Catholic schools was the leading piece of advice the Ontario Government had received so far in its budget consultations. And I couldn’t help thinking that just because you have a thought, an idea, a proposal, it doesn’t mean you have to say it out loud. And even if you feel compelled to utter it, forcing the rest of us to listen, it doesn’t mean we have to pay serious attention.

Step back for peace

A historic treaty between the Vatican and Palestine came into effect on Jan. 2 with little fanfare. But it warrants discussion now on the heels of an Israeli land grab that underlines how far removed the Holy Land remains from peace.

Long shot worth taking

After years writing about euthanasia as the religion reporter for the National Post, followed by two years of public talks to convince Canadians that government-sanctioned killing would be a disaster, I think I have finally figured out what bothers me the most about what is taking place in our country: the disturbing lack of imagination that has taken over the public psyche about how to deal with people who are suffering.

A ‘Prairie staple’

As Canada gets ready for its multi-million-dollar 150th birthday celebration in 2017, party planners would do well to remember the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate. Pioneers, missionaries, pastors, educators, peacemakers, nation builders — few organizations stand ahead of the Oblates, as they are commonly known, in terms of the quantity and quality of their contributions to Canada.

Building Catholic education through the domestic Church

The strength of Catholic education is founded on an alliance between families, parishes and schools which work together towards a shared objective. Together they comprise the domestic church.

Price of peace

Addressing U.S. congress last September, Pope Francis bluntly dissected the multi-billion-dollar international arms industry.

Peace is the only solution

During recent travels in Beirut I met Kamal and his family, Syrian-Armenian Christian refugees. They told a harrowing tale.

To the point

At a recent ordination of a bishop, Pope Francis shared his secrets for success. He advised the bishop to be a disciple of mercy and patience — and short homilies.

Lessons learned

Newspapers typically select a “person of the year” based on noble deeds or towering accomplishments. The world certainly abounds with such people, but rather than acclaim one of these for 2015 we instead commemorate Alan Kurdi.