Bible Book(s)/Chapter(s) to read for week 24: Sunday, December 1 to Saturday, December 7, 2024.
November 29, 2024
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Here are the Bible Book(s)/Chapter(s) to read each day this week. Note that the Book of Sirach (Ben Sira/Ecclesiasticus) appears in Catholic versions of the Bible.
Sirach Chapters 5-8
Read Sirach 6:35-36 again.
Ask God to give us the desire to seek people who seek God.
What opportunities do you have to learn about the faith journey of others? Are you able to attend special presentations at a church or at a retreat centre? Are there any lectures open to the public at a local seminary or school of theology? Do you have any books about the lives of saints? Have you ever considered trying to meet with a wise person you’ve met at church, or elsewhere, to learn from his or her life experience?
Sirach Chapters 9-12
Read Sirach 9:8-9 again.
The famous evangelist Billy Graham made a vow, at the beginning of his ministry, never to be alone with a woman other than his wife. He entered into this vow along with other married ministers with whom he was traveling.
Ask God to help us to be faithful to our own commitments and to support others in keeping theirs.
Which people, places and activities might put you at greater risk of straying from your commitments? Do you have a group of people, as did Billy Graham, who can support you?
Sirach Chapters 13-16
Read Sirach 14:20-27 again.
These verses describe a constant yearning for spiritual wisdom. Daily prayer, daily Bible reading and daily Mass — all these activities require some degree of health as well as time and self-discipline.
Ask God to help us to be encouraged about our successes in growing in faith and to be gentle with ourselves in our imperfect efforts to meet our spiritual and other goals.
Have you ever heard an “all or nothing” voice inside of you saying that you must always follow a particular spiritual schedule to please God? If you then find yourself unable to meet a particular spiritual goal, do you feel discouraged and think that you should give up on the spiritual goal entirely? Wouldn’t God be pleased at every effort you make to seek Him?
Sirach Chapters 17-20
Read Sirach 18:15-18 again.
Ask God to guide us to give gifts and words of encouragement to others that will bring joy to the people receiving them.
In your life, what words spoken to you have encouraged you the most? Which gifts, given to you, do you treasure the most? Are you in a position to give the gift of encouragement to someone today?
Sirach Chapters 21-24
Read Sirach 22:16-18 again.
Ask God to help us to keep a healthy balance between living in the present, learning from the past and planning for the future.
In your daily life do you think you have a healthy balance of thinking about the past, the present and the future?
Sirach Chapters 25-28
Read Sirach 28:1-7 again.
Ask God to help us to let go of any resentments that may be festering inside of us and to replace these, over time as we receive healing, with prayers for the well-being of those who have hurt us.
Sirach 28:3 tells us that there is a relationship between health and willingness to forgive others. From your own life experiences, would you say that this statement is true? What do you think would make it easier for someone to forgive another person? Is holding someone accountable the same thing as seeking vengeance?
Sirach Chapters 29-31
Read Sirach 30:25 and 31:12-32:13 again.
It may seem a little surprising to be reading about table manners in the Bible, but everything we do reflects our relationship to God.
Ask God to help us to see that when we are guests, or when we are entertaining others, we bring our faith lives to the table.
In reading these verses from Sirach, were there any thoughts that came to you about how to show hospitality? As guests, how can we contribute to the success of a social event?
A version of this story appeared in the December 01, 2024, issue of The Catholic Register with the headline "Everything reflects our relation with God".
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