The Bible Book(s)/Chapter(s) to read each day this week, Sunday, February 2 to Saturday, February 8, 2025.
January 31, 2025
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Here are the Bible Book(s)/Chapter(s) to read each day this week. Note that the readings are based on the New American Bible.
Ezekiel Chapters 29-32
Read Ezekiel 29:3 again. Pharaoh, in his arrogance, falsely claims to have created the Nile River and to possess it.
After reflecting on this verse, how should the fact that God created everything affect our attitudes towards any property we own, our material possessions and international boundaries?
Ask God to show us how we can use the material gifts that God has given us to bless others.
How might you be able to share your home or other possessions with others to bless them?
Ezekiel Chapters 33-36
Read Ezekiel 34:14-16 again, and then read Psalm 23.
Ask God to show us how we can spend time regularly in God’s good pasture.
Take a few minutes to relax and to imagine being in a good pasture. Where is the pasture located? What does it look like? Are you there alone or is someone else there with you?
Imagine God looking for those who are lost. Do you recognize any of them?
Can you help guide any of these people to good pasture?
Ezekiel Chapters 37-40
Read Ezekiel 36:25-27 again.
Those starting to explore faith, or to draw closer to God, are likely to undergo trials that will give them new hearts and spirits as described in these verses.
Ask God to protect and guide all people who are seeking to grow closer to God.
Are you exploring Catholicism or have you recently made a deeper commitment related to your faith? Have you had some unusual trials come your way? If so, what skill, or attitude, might you need to develop in order to overcome your current challenges and be better able to serve your faith community?
Ezekiel Chapters 41-44
Read Ezekiel 43:1-4 and 44:4 again. Then read Psalm 23:4.
Imagine the power that would cause someone to fall to the ground, as these verses describe, as a result of coming into the presence of God.
A couple of days ago, we read about how God wants to be a shepherd in our lives. Scripture portrays God as having both very gentle and powerful characteristics.
Ask God to reveal to us all aspects of God’s character.
Do you remember having observed or experienced God’s power or gentleness while on retreat, at Mass or in some other setting? If so, it might help to call such experiences to mind when walking through any dark valleys in your life.
Ezekiel Chapters 45-48
Read Ezekiel 47:1-12 again.
Faith grows like this stream that turned into a river. The more that we open ourselves up to God, the more He can fill us with the power of the Holy Spirit.
Ask God to send more “water” into our own streams of faith and to give us wisdom in sharing our faith with loved ones who don’t yet know how to swim in spiritual waters.
Does the idea of letting go, and letting God’s river take you to an unknown place, cause you to feel the joy of a new adventure, fear of the unknown or both? Do the people close to you have the same comfort level about taking risks of faith? How much influence should we have in moving others from one level of faith to another?
Daniel Chapters 1-3
Read Daniel 1:11-13 and 2:36-38 again.
While Daniel and his friends were captives in Babylon they treated the people who had power over them with great respect and even with kindness and compassion.
Ask God to help us to show God’s love to all of those around us.
Are you a “captive” — in prison, a toxic work environment or in some other stressful situation? Is there some way in which you can be a blessing to those who have authority over you?
Daniel Chapters 4-6
Read Daniel 5:1-4 and 5:22-24 again.
These verses speak about King Belshazzar’s disrespect for the gold and silver vessels that had been stolen from the temple in Jerusalem.
Ask God to protect parish buildings and religious objects from desecration.
At Mass, priests handle liturgical items with great reverence. How much influence do people in the pews have in creating an atmosphere of reverence by how they enter, worship in and leave the church building?
A version of this story appeared in the February 02, 2025, issue of The Catholic Register with the headline "Do not fear taking risks for our faith".
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