The risen Christ is depicted in a stained-glass window at St. Aloysius Church in Great Neck, N.Y.
OSV News photo/Gregory A. Shemitz
May 23, 2024
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Do you feel helpless in the face of spreading global Communism? Fear not, Our Lord has already given us a spiritual gift to defeat Communism’s anti-God and therefore anti-human evils. This gift is His own Sacred Face.
Communism’s choice trick is to go by another name. Or no name. To work in secret, behind the scenes. To infiltrate and influence everywhere. It has many tenets and many tentacles. But its goal is always the same: total revolution. Out with worship of God, the divine order, the natural order; out with sanity and sanctity. Tear down everything and remake it in our own image. Solve et coagula. Impose woke culture. ESG. DEI. Cancel culture. Build Back Better. “The Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita” to overcome the Catholic Church from within and capture the papacy. “Never let a crisis go to waste.” “The issue is never the issue. The issue is always the revolution.”
Communism is actually the brainchild of the Freemasons. The French Revolution (also courtesy of the Freemasons) was known as “The Commune.” The Freemasons financed Karl Marx and his Communist Manifesto. Again, the stonecutters (code word used on social media to avoid censorship) are never happier than when their fingerprints are indecipherable on their works. However, in our times, so much is coming to the surface, so much is being exposed — and this is a very good thing (see Luke 12:2-3).
Just as Communism was taking form in earnest in the 19th century, Our Lord provided the remedy of adoring His Holy Face, first to a Carmelite nun in France in 1844, and then later to Blessed Sr. Maria Pierina, a nun in Italy in 1936. [Since the “Work” of the Holy Face was partially suppressed for many decades in France, a holy layman and lawyer, Monsieur Leo Dupont, did what he could to spread the practice privately, and countless miracles occurred in his office before the image of Jesus’ countenance).
The solution to Communism is for the faithful to make reparation for offences against the first three of the 10 Commandments by adoring His Holy Face: i.e., Offenses to God Himself (atheism, blasphemies, sacrileges), His Holy Name and His Holy Day. How does this connect to Communism? Jesus revealed that the Communists have set themselves up as His worst enemies, encouraging all to break God’s laws.
How can you get in on this Catholic action? Just search online for Archconfraternity of the Holy Face (world headquarters in Tours) and join the growing, silent, praying army. There are chapters all over the world where you can also register, including a marvelous apostolate based in Ottawa called St. Joseph’s Missionaries of the Holy Face. The Archconfraternity (also known as The League of St. Martin because of St. Martin of Tours) will send you a small prayer book, but there are many resources, books and biographies available online as well.
A particular image that is being held up for devotion, reproduced and circulated in many Holy Face circles is, well, off-putting. Do not let that put you off! You can use any image of Jesus’ suffering face that you wish. My preferred image is a close-up of the face on the Shroud, or any artistic representation that cleaves closely to this.
The main thing is to simply ARC: Adore, Repair and Contemplate the Holy Face of Jesus Christ. Full stop. Jesus told Sr. Maria Pierina: “Whoever gazes upon Me already consoles Me.” Our Lord also promised miracles and conversions when we carry out this request, which can be done at home or anywhere, especially if we carry an image with us.
Here are some of my favourite, easy to memorize aspirations to the Holy Face: “Let your face shine upon us, O Lord, and we shall be saved.” Sit nomine Domini benedictum. “Blessed be the name of the Lord.” “Arise, O God, let Thine enemies be scattered, and let them that hate Thee flee from before Thy face.”
There’s something so calming and time-suspending when we gaze at Our Saviour’s face. I believe it’s because this is basically what we will be doing in Heaven — the Beatific Vision — seeing God face to face. It’s also transforming: “We shall be like Him because we shall see Him as He is” (1 John 3:2).
(Sr. Helena Raphael Burns, FSP, is a Daughter of St. Paul. She holds a Masters in Media Literacy Education and studied screenwriting at UCLA. Twitter: @srhelenaburns #medianuns)
A version of this story appeared in the May 26, 2024, issue of The Catholic Register with the headline "Christ’s face defeats anti-God Communists".
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Christopher Adams
June 6, 2024
Sr. Helena Burns foments the old Judeo-Masonic conspiracy theory that the Freemasons were behind the French Revolution and Karl Marx’s writings in her May 26 column (“Christ’s face defeats anti-God Communists”).
Readers should be aware that this conspiracy theory is linked to the fraudulent and antisemitic Protocols of the Elders of Zion in which Jews are portrayed as having infiltrated Freemasonry which, supposedly, promoted such revolutionary causes as the French Revolution and Communism.
Christopher Adams
Winnipeg, Manitoba