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Here are the Bible Book(s)/Chapter(s) to read each day this week. Note that the readings are based on the New American Bible.
2 Samuel Chapters 11-14
In the stories of David’s adultery with Bathsheba (2 Samuel 11:1-27), and his son Amnon’s rape of his sister (2 Samuel 13:1-22), both men had turned a normal, healthy attraction into sinful lust.
What do you think that David and Amnon could have done to control their desires, so that they wouldn’t have brought harm to others? Do you suppose there were any people in their lives who might have observed danger signals in their behavior and could have talked to them privately, but directly, about them?
Ask God to guide us all to take responsibility in preventing violent behaviour.
Is there anyone in your life who is spinning out of control and could use a gentle word of concern?
2 Samuel Chapters 15-18
Read 2 Samuel 15:1-6 again.
David’s son, Absalom, was not anointed to rule the Lord’s people, but attempted to take power by force.
Read 1 Corinthian 2:9 and ask God to help us know that what God has planned to give us is much better than what we could ever think of getting for ourselves.
How successful have you been in asking God for what you desire, and not trying to achieve your goals by force?
2 Samuel Chapters 19-21
King David was restored to power in Jerusalem and several reconciliations took place.
Ask God to help us know if it is time to make peace with former enemies so His love can heal us all.
Is there a reconciliation that God is calling you to make with someone in your life? If this person in no longer living, or cannot be reached, is there something you can do to honour this person’s memory or bless his or her family?
2 Samuel Chapters 22-24
All of 2 Samuel Chapter 22 is a song of thanksgiving to God.
Let’s take time to reflect back on our journey of reading through the Bible up until this point, and consider the lessons we’ve learned for which we might be thankful.
Ask God to reveal to us what new ways in relating to God, to others and to ourselves that we might now be ready to try.
In your prayer life, have you ever spent a significant amount of time simply thanking God for what He has done for you? Take a little time now to thank God for various blessings in your life.
1 Kings Chapters 1-4
Today, we begin our reading of the Biblical books that describe a time when Israel was led by a succession of kings.
Read 1 Kings 1:11-14 again.
The prophet Nathan gave strategic advice to King David’s wife, Bathsheba, about how to present some sensitive information to the king.
As we’ll see in the Book of Psalms, we can be completely open and unguarded in our communications with God. With people, though, because we have very different ways of expressing ourselves and understanding others, it helps to learn about different communication styles.
Ask God to help us enjoy the challenge of understanding ourselves and others, and to rejoice that God created us all to be unique examples of God’s love in the world.
Do you stop to pray about the best way to present information before you start an important conversation? Do you ever ask for advice on improving your communication style?
1 Kings Chapters 5-8
In today’s reading, Solomon built a temple for God.
It took many years to build the temple, using the best workers and materials available.
Read 1 Corinthians 3:16. This verse tells us that we are temples of God. It is likely that these temples will take time to build well.
Ask God to give us the ability to enjoy the present, while hoping for our dreams to come true in the future.
Is it taking a very long time for you to achieve a particular life goal? Do you think that God may be allowing the delay because God wants the best results possible, and not just results?
1 Kings Chapters 9-12
Read 1 Kings 11:4 again.
Solomon was less loyal to God than was his father, David. Solomon’s wives had a powerful influence over the decisions he made about his own faith.
Ask God to bring people into our lives with whom we can grow closer to God.
Do the people who are closest to you support you in seeking God?
A version of this story appeared in the August 11, 2024, issue of The Catholic Register with the headline "Make reconciliation with someone in your life".
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