Here are the Bible Book(s)/Chapter(s) to read each day this week, Sunday, December 29, 2024, to Saturday, January 4, 2025.
Ask God for the ability to give your best in work.
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December 27, 2024
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Here are the Bible Book(s)/Chapter(s) to read each day this week. Note that the readings are based on the New American Bible.
Isaiah Chapters 41-43
Read Isaiah 43:1-5 again, and then meditate on verse 2.
Ask God to give us opportunities to share stories of His goodness to us with others. Our words can help someone else struggling in a “river” to make it to shore.
Have you experienced God’s presence in the midst of a life crisis? If so, have you ever told others about it to encourage them when they go through a difficult time?
Isaiah Chapters 44-47
Read Isaiah 44:1-5 again, and then read John 10:25-30.
Both of these passages have to do with belonging to the Lord.
Ask God to help us realize that we all belong to Him, even when we don’t feel we belong anywhere else.
What is your experience with belonging in some groups of people? Have you ever felt like you didn’t belong anywhere? Are you in a position to help some people feel like they belong in a group you belong to?
Isaiah Chapters 48-51
Read Isaiah 49:15 again.
Humans can forget important people, dates and other important events in their lives because of old age, mental health issues, addictions and other afflictions.
Ask God to help us to know that God always remembers us, and to help us to remember others.
What significant experiences have you had in forgetting, or in being forgotten? Are you able to show any people today that you haven’t forgotten about them?
Isaiah Chapters 52-56
Read Isaiah 53:6 again.
This verse describes sheep going astray.
Ask God to bring strong and faithful leaders to the Church and to our communities, so that all of God’s beloved sheep will have correct teaching and loving guidance in their lives.
In your neighbourhood, which “sheep” are going astray? In your parish, are the ministries only focused on serving the church community itself, or do they also reach out to the “lost sheep” of the neighbouring community? (See Matthew 28:18-20.)
Isaiah Chapters 57-59
Read Isaiah 55:2-3 and 58:5-11 again. These verses invite us to consider the type of work we do and why we do it.
Ask God to give us new ways to do our work so that we can both give our best and get the most fulfillment out of doing so.
Whether you work inside or outside of your home, what kind of work do you do (paid or volunteer) and how do you feel about it? Is there anything in these verses from Isaiah that can make your work life (or home life) more fulfilling?
Isaiah Chapters 60-62
Read Isaiah 61:1-3 again, and then read Luke 11:9-13.
Ask God to give us gifts, fruit and knowledge of the Holy Spirit, so that we will have all the power that we need to be blessings in the lives of others.
How much knowledge or experience of the Holy Spirit do you have? What do you think about the idea of asking God to give you more of the Holy Spirit in your life?
Isaiah Chapters 63-66
Read Isaiah 64:1-3 (or 64:1-4) again, and then read Matthew 6:33.
Ask God to show us how to make the best of any time of waiting in our lives, so that if God does give us our greatest desires, we will have the learned skills to make the most of them.
Sometimes it seems to take a long time before God answers our prayers. What should we do while we are waiting for God? Have you tried “waiting on” God, that is, serving God by putting other people and their needs first?
A version of this story appeared in the December 29, 2024, issue of The Catholic Register with the headline "We all belong to the Lord".
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