Federally funded ‘anti-hate’ group’s booklet blacklists Campaign Life

  • August 12, 2024

Campaign Life Coalition, a national pro-life advocacy organization, has been labelled a “hate movement” by the Canadian Anti-Hate Network.

Along with its affiliated LifeSiteNews, Campaign Life was lumped in with neo-Nazis and skinheads in the Canadian Anti-Hate Network’s booklet 40 Ways To Fight the Far-Right. The booklet also says that most haters are white people.

The booklet was published after the Anti-Hate Network received $440,000 from Canada’s Heritage Ministry and another $200,000 from the Department of Public Safety for “research,” according to Blacklock’s Reporter. Blacklock’s Reporter is an online Canadian news agency that covers Parliament Hill.

“The purpose of this grant is to provide funding to research and establish a framework for the Canadian Anti-Hate Network so it may carry out studies on the far-right landscape in Canada that conform with human subject research ethics,” the public safety department said in a statement.

“We define ‘hate-promoting’ to refer to ideologies, groups, movements and individuals which target members of protected groups,” said the booklet, which was published Aug. 7. Its “non-exhaustive” list includes “the kinds of far-right and hate movements we have seen in Canada in the last few years.”

Elizabeth Simons, the network’s executive director, said her group has pocketed federal subsidies, but said these didn’t directly finance the book.

“No government funds were used in the production of the booklet,” she said.

The network did acknowledge it was a republication of writings by American freelance writer and activist Spencer Sunshine

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