Readings for week 14: Sunday, Sept. 8 to Saturday, Sept. 14
September 6, 2024
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Here are the Bible Book(s)/Chapter(s) to read each day this week. Note that the readings are based on the New American Bible.
1 Chronicles Chapters 22-25
In 1 Chronicles 22:6-19, David exhorted his son Solomon and the officials of Israel to do a great thing — to build a temple for God. David was also generous in providing resources necessary for its construction.
Ask God to help us notice people who need encouragement and support in achieving their goals.
Do you know any people who have a goal to do something beautiful for God? Are you in a position to help them find the resources they would need to achieve it or to help them in some other way?
1 Chronicles Chapters 26-29
Read 1 Chronicles 29:6-9 again.
These verses describe people giving offerings to God wholeheartedly.
Read Mark 12:29-31 and then ask God to help us to understand how to apply these verses to how we love God and others.
What do you think makes people willing to serve God and the Church wholeheartedly?
2 Chronicles Chapters 1-6
Read 2 Chronicles 5:12-14 again.
Imagine the enthusiasm and the power that was present in the temple when the trumpeters and singers were praising God with what sounded like a single voice.
Ask God to inspire us all to praise God in creative ways and to bless liturgical dancers and musicians with opportunities to share their gifts with others.
Have you ever praised God from the depths of your heart? At home, do you ever play joyful songs of worship and dance to the music?
2 Chronicles Chapters 7-11
Read 2 Chronicles 8:1-10 again.
Although Solomon is given credit for building the temple, the actual physical work was done by nameless forced labourers.
Ask God to help labourers of all types receive the credit and compensation that they deserve.
Have you ever studied Catholic social teaching about work and other important issues? Is this a time in your life when you might be called to explore the depths of Church teaching through course work or your own independent reading?
2 Chronicles Chapters 12-16
At the start of 2 Chronicles Chapter 14, Asa walked closely with God, but in Chapter 16 we see that he stopped seeking God’s help. Instead, he relied on another human being (the King of Aram).
Read Matthew 13:1-9 and 13:18-23.
Ask God to give good “soil” to our lives in which the roots of our faith can remain strong, no matter who, or what, comes along.
What sort of “soil” are you in? Do you have a tendency to stop being close to God when some powerful personality comes into your life?
2 Chronicles Chapters 17-21
Asa’s son, Jehoshaphat, walked closely with the Lord early in his life, but in 2 Chronicles 20:35, like his father, he “fell” at the end of his life.
Parents do send powerful messages to their children by the example that they set. Similarly, strong believers can lift up weaker ones, but a poor example can discourage many members in the Body of Christ.
Ask God to give perseverance to us, the Body of Christ, in living our faith and to realize that we are all capable of showing God’s love to those who are struggling.
Is there anyone in your life who seems ready to “fall”? What qualifications does someone need to have to show this person love and concern? Do we have to have a degree in ministry to give a word of encouragement to someone?
2 Chronicles Chapters 22-26
Read 2 Chronicles 26:14-15 again, and then read Ephesians 6:10-18.
These verses speak about defensive and offensive tools to use in the inevitable battles we will face against evil in our lives.
Ask God to provide us with the specific tools that we need to be successful in the spiritual battles of our lives.
What spiritual armour or weaponry do you have?
What spiritual armour do you lack?
A version of this story appeared in the September 08, 2024, issue of The Catholic Register with the headline "We’re called to love those who struggle".
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