Readings for week 15: Sunday, Sept. 15 to Saturday, Sept. 21
September 13, 2024
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Here are the Bible Book(s)/Chapter(s) to read each day this week. Note that the Book of Tobit appears in Catholic versions of the Bible.
2 Chronicles Chapters 27-31
Read 2 Chronicles 29:15-19 again.
The work of those who are responsible for keeping church grounds, parks and other public spaces neat and orderly is important, but is often unappreciated.
Ask God to bless people in charge of maintaining church, public and private property.
Is there any work that can be done where you live to create a more beautiful, inspirational environment?
2 Chronicles Chapters 32-36
Compare the words of King Hezekiah, in 2 Chronicles 32:7-8, to the words of Sennacherib in 2 Chronicles 32:10-15.
Read Galatians 5:22-23. These verses list how the fruit of the Spirit manifests in those who are acting in God’s love.
Ask God for the gift of discernment to help us to distinguish between God’s voice and voices of discouragement in what people say to us.
Which voices are seeking to discourage you about practising your faith or serving in some ministry? Do those discouraging you show fruit of the Spirit?
Ezra Chapters 1-6
In Ezra 2:59-62, we see a family whose members were unable to prove that they were Israelites because they could not find their names in their family records.
In Ezra 4:8-6:14, we see a letter writing campaign to King Artaxerxes in which both the Israelites and their enemies participated.
Ask God to inspire us to make our voices heard to current and future generations.
Do you keep records or memoirs of your life to pass down to future generations of your family? Do you ever write to a politician, news editor, church leader or other person of power and influence to take a stand for justice?
Ezra Chapters 7-10 and Nehemiah Chapters 1-2
In Ezra 7:10 we see that Ezra was devoted to the study and teaching of God’s laws. In Ezra 7:6 and 7:9 we see that the hand of the Lord was with Ezra.
Ask God to help us to sense the presence of the Holy Spirit each time we read the Bible.
When you read the Bible, do you ever hear an inner voice suggesting special applications of the verses to your life?
Nehemiah Chapters 3-7
In Nehemiah Chapter 3, we see the Jews rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. In Nehemiah 3:33-35 (or 4:1-3), the Jews are ridiculed by their enemies.
Ask God to help us to remember the martyrs and others who have suffered a great deal to pass the faith down to our generation and to remember why this faith was worth the price that they paid.
Are you tempted to give up on the Church because some people have criticized and ridiculed our faith community? What can you do to help the Church build on her strengths and address her weaknesses?
Nehemiah Chapters 8-12
Read Nehemiah 8:1-8 again. Observe how attentively people listened to the reading of Scripture.
Ask God to bless us with attentive ears and hearts to hear the words that God and others in our lives speak to us.
In your life, how closely do you and others around you listen to other people? How attentively do people listen to the readings of the Bible at Mass? If you are a lector, do the sounds or movements of the gathered assembly sometimes distract you?
Nehemiah Chapter 13 and Tobit Chapters 1-4
In Nehemiah Chapter 13 we see that after Jerusalem was rebuilt, Nehemiah had gone back to serve King Artaxerxes. While Nehemiah was away from Jerusalem, the temple was not properly cared for.
Ask God to help us to keep our prayer life strong and steadfast, no matter where we are called to serve Him.
If you are a leader, inside or outside of a faith community, are you training those around you to be able to fill in for you when you are not available?
A version of this story appeared in the September 15, 2024, issue of The Catholic Register with the headline "Make your voice heard for generations to come".
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