Bible Book(s)/Chapter(s) to read for week 19: Sunday, October 20 to Saturday, October 26
October 18, 2024
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Here are the Bible Book(s)/Chapter(s) to read each day this week. Note that the readings are based on the New American Bible.
Job Chapters 31-36
Read Job 35:16 again.
Was Elihu himself guilty of multiplying words? How often do people in a heated argument state their points clearly and concisely?
Controlling our tongues is a great challenge in our relationships. A silent retreat can help to develop discipline in speech.
Ask God to give us the ability to speak less and to listen more, whether on retreat or at home.
Is there a way to improve the way you participate in arguments to seek resolution instead of someone to blame?
Job Chapters 37-42
In Job 42:1-6, Job was in awe of God’s power and admitted that he didn’t understand God’s ways.
Spend five minutes (or more!) simply praising God for various aspects of creation (such as flowers, babies, kangaroos and so on). Now take a little time to tell God about some of the things in your life that are causing you problems.
Ask God to help us to make praise and thanksgiving a regular part of our prayer lives.
How did you feel before doing this exercise? How did you feel after? What do you notice about starting a prayer session with praise (telling God that we appreciate what God has already done) that is different from starting a prayer session with petitions (asking God to do something for us or for someone else)?
Psalms Chapters 1-6
In today’s reading, for the first time in our journey through the Bible, we observe the personal prayer life of our spiritual ancestors who wrote psalms (songs or poems) of praise and lament.
Jews and Christians alike have formal prayers and blessings common to all in the community. In Psalms, we see a different kind of prayer that is more personal and conversational.
Ask God to help us to deepen our prayer life, as well as our friendship with God.
Have you ever tried talking to God in the same way that you would talk to a friend as we see King David doing in these psalms attributed to him? When you are alone, do you ever try speaking aloud to God or writing a letter to God in a prayer journal?
Psalms Chapters 7-12
Read Psalm 8 again.
The psalmist (the person who wrote the psalm) contemplated the physical world around him — the sky, the stars, animals and birds — and this inspired him to praise God.
Ask God to help us to take more opportunities to rejoice in the miracle of creation.
Are you able to take some time from your day to go outdoors and look at the world around you? If you have a home, do you have any flowers or artwork to help lift your spirits on difficult days?
Psalms Chapters 13-18
In Psalm 18, the psalmist described at length, and in great detail, how the Lord delivered him from his enemies.
Today, try writing a psalm of praise and thanksgiving. Try to write something from your heart. Begin the first sentence without worrying about spelling or grammar. Allow ideas to play around in your head and then write them down.
Ask God to help us to share with Him the deepest longings of our hearts.
How did you feel before doing this exercise? How do you feel now?
Psalms Chapters 19-24
Read Psalm 22 again. Then, read the following verses from the New Testament: Matthew 27:45-46, Mark 15:22-24, Luke 23:33-34 and John 19:17-24. Do you find any similarities in these verses to those in Psalm 22?
Ask God to help us grow in our knowledge of the entire Bible.
What meaning was there for you in any connection that you saw between this psalm and the New Testament verses?
Psalms Chapters 25-30
Read Psalm 27:4 again. This verse describes beholding the beauty of the Lord.
Ask God to help us to realize that when we come into the presence of God without a prepared agenda, God might lead the conversation.
Do you ever gaze at God’s beauty in creation or during time spent engaged in Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament? In your prayer time, do you keep your mind occupied with asking God questions instead of listening to God’s answers to the questions you have already asked?
A version of this story appeared in the October 20, 2024, issue of The Catholic Register with the headline "Let God take the lead in conversation".
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