Bible Book(s)/Chapter(s) to read for week 25: Sunday, December 8 to Saturday, December 14, 2024.
A detail of Matthias Grunewald’s The Small Crucifixion.
CNS photo/Samuel H. Kress Collection via National Gallery of Art
December 6, 2024
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Here are the Bible Book(s)/Chapter(s) to read each day this week. Note that the Book of Sirach (Ben Sira / Ecclesiasticus) appears in Catholic versions of the Bible.
Sirach Chapters 32-34
Read Sirach 33:10-13 again.
Read Ephesians 2:19-20. A cornerstone (capstone) doesn’t always look very important, but sets the foundation for a building.
Read 1 Corinthians Chapter 13. No matter what our role in God’s kingdom is, the most important work that we have to do is to bring the love of Christ to other people.
Ask God to help us to become loving reflections of the Master Potter.
Who has God, the Master Potter, created you to be? Should we be concerned if, at any time, our work isn’t recognized or appreciated by others?
Sirach Chapters 35-37
Read Sirach 35:10 again.
Ask God to show us where to donate our time and money, and how God blesses us for sharing our resources with others.
Have you ever kept a journal of “sowing and reaping,” that is, of what you have invested in God’s work in a church or in the outside community? What benefits have your investments brought forth for others and for you personally? Take a moment to remember any donations that you have made and the benefits that have come to other people as a result of them.
Sirach Chapters 38-40
Read Sirach 38:24-34 again.
Ask God to bless and protect all workers, both on and off the job.
Take a moment to imagine the number of people in various trades who have built the town or city in which you live. Imagine the amount of time it took for them to learn their trades. Imagine the dangers that they have had to face at the workplace. Is there a particular image, sound or feeling that stands out for you? If so, do you think God may be calling you to take some sort of action in response?
Sirach Chapters 41-43
Read Sirach 41:1 again.
In this verse, we read about someone for whom life is going well.
Read Matthew 6:19-21 and ask God to remind us to show our human treasures, while they are still alive, how special they are to us.
How do we avoid being possessed by our possessions? How do you think that you would react if God were to call you to move to another country, leaving your home and possessions behind?
Sirach Chapters 44-47
In today’s reading, the author praised God for His blessings to our spiritual ancestors.
Ask God to remind us of our own ancestors, the Church’s spiritual ancestors, and the miraculous events that enabled faith to be preserved through many generations.
Do you ever think about the people in your family who lived a few generations ago? Does the fact that they lived through many struggles inspire you in meeting your own life challenges?
Sirach Chapters 48-51
Read Sirach 50:27-29 again.
What do you learn in these verses about the author of this book? What do you notice about his attitude towards life? God has used his writing, along with the writings of many others, to reach millions of people who have read the Bible.
Ask God to stir up dreams and courage inside of us, so that we, like the author of this book, can reach others with God’s love, wisdom and care.
Do you remember a time when something you have done made a great difference in someone’s life? Do you have an opportunity to bless others the same way in the present?
Isaiah Chapters 1-3
Today, we begin reading the section of the Bible containing the Prophetic books, most of which bear the name of the prophet whose life and prophecies are described in them. The first of these books reveals the teachings of Isaiah — one of the most significant prophets.
Read Isaiah 3:16-26 again. These verses describe the loss of physical beauty.
Ask God to show how very beautiful and loved each child of God is in God’s eyes.
In today’s world, what standards of beauty do children learn? If war, poverty, genetics or illness takes away a child’s ability to meet a standard of beauty, do you think this child would see his or her true beauty both on the inside and on the outside? Can you praise a child today?
A version of this story appeared in the December 08, 2024, issue of The Catholic Register with the headline "Show our treasures they are special to us".
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