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Readers Speak Out: July 18-25, 2021

Shared responsibility

Canada’s Catholic bishops need to apologize for the Church’s involvement in residential schools, but not because of public pressure or demands by the Indigenous people of Canada, or requests by the prime minister, or even by the Parliament. Rather the bishops need to apologize in order to exemplify the virtue of solidarity, one of the most revered principles of Catholic social teaching.

Readers Speak Out: July 4-11, 2021

‘Bowdlerized’ reality

The horrific news of the residential schools grave sites created such an avalanche of rancour against the Catholic Church that factual information was either deliberately ignored or distorted. 

Readers Speak Out: June 27, 2021

No closure

Re: Lets set record straight on papal apologies (June 16):

Fr. Raymond De Souza correctly reports that Chief Phil Fontaine, a residential school survivor and three- time leader of the Assembly of First Nations, met with Pope Benedict XVI in 2009 and spoke positively about the conciliatory and compassionate words of regret expressed by this pope.

Readers Speak Out: June 20, 2021

United mothers

Re: Prayers, sorrow for Kamloops children (June 13):

I am a Catholic mother of five. In my 20s, my encounter with Christ changed the course of my life. When I became a mom, I was moved to help shape my culture and actively tried to do so. It is inconceivable to me that other mothers would have had their children ripped from their very arms in the name of this culture, in the name of Christ. 

Readers Speak Out: June 13, 2021

More thinking

Re: Fr. Raymond de Souza: Symbols matter (May 27):

Thank you, Father. Yes, just what does the Pride/Rainbow/Progress flag mean? There seems to be an unholy rush to get it up before we figure out what we are buying into here.

Readers Speak Out: June 6, 2021

Rights violated

June is the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ. Recently, the Toronto Catholic District School Board passed a motion to fly the rainbow flag and celebrate Pride month in June. We believe the vote was wrong on moral and legal grounds.

Readers Speak Out: May 30, 2021

Worthy fight

RE: Lindsay Shepherd carries on fight for free speech (May 11):

Ms. Shepherd innocently “fell into” her situation at Wilfred Laurier University. Her mother suggested recording the meeting that she had been mysteriously called to by her supervisors. Otherwise, Ms. Shepherd would have left the meeting feeling guilty of misdirecting students on gender ideology. Instead, she blew open for all to see one of the biggest crimes of our time. 

Readers Speak Out: May 23, 2021

Land rights

Re: As Israeli-Palestinian violence escalates, Christian leaders voice concern (May 16):

Readers Speak Out: May 9, 2021

Great theologian

Just read in The Catholic Register that the theologian Hans Küng passed away. It may have been a small piece, but it was respectful.

Readers Speak Out: May 2, 2021

Wonderful work

Re: Sisters turn crisis pregnancy into storybook ending (April 4):

What an awesomely uplifting story your YSN writer, Angelica Vecchiato, wrote describing the wonderful work the Sisters of Life are performing: aiding women facing an unexpected pregnancy.