Opening hearts to Mary, the Mother of believers
“God sent his Son, born of a woman” (Galatians 4:4).
When you think of Mary, the Mother of Jesus Christ, how do you picture her? The Bible gives us several beautiful pictures of Mary as a mother: there is Mary with newborn baby Jesus and Joseph (Luke 2:16); there is Mary at the presentation of Jesus in the temple (Luke 2:22-38); there is Mary is at the wedding feast at Cana (John 2:1-11). The pictures describe Mary as a mother of love. Each year, during the Christmas Season, on January 1, we celebrate the Motherhood of Mary. By accepting to be the Mother of Jesus, Mary played a special role in God’s plan for his people. In Jesus we have become children of God. As God’s children, we are empowered by the Spirit to call God “Abba! Father!” (Galatians 4:7).
Editorial: It’s in the mail?
In a gesture of outright cheek, Canada Post sent the Register an e-mail invoice last week even as the month-long postal strike dragged on.
Verbatim: Remarks by Shimon Fogel to the Senate standing committee on human rights
An edited transcript of Dec. 2 remarks by Shimon Fogel, chief executive officer of the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, to the Senate standing committee on human rights.
Invest in earthly life to profit in eternity
What should we do when faced with a crisis too big to handle? How do we get ourselves out of the depths of despair, a worst case scenario, an unexpected downturn, a sudden tragedy, a seemingly unsolvable dilemma, a grief that never seems to end? Often, there’s no way out but through, and as in all things, we must turn to God. “But I have turned to God! I’ve been praying and making sacrifices. I’ve been begging and pleading with God, but nothing seems to change. In fact, things are getting worse.”
Bishop Henry influenced Church, society
Bishop Frederick Bernard Henry fulsomely lived out his episcopal motto, Dabo Vobis Pastores, a quote from the prophet Jeremiah which translates, “I will give you pastors.”
- By Anna Farrow
Honour God by rejecting AI abomination
Long ago, I learned that when I wrote letters, newspaper articles and any other form of writing by hand, they were more personal, quirky and self-revelatory than when I hammered them out on a typewriter. I also discovered that my writing was less precise, concise and grammatically correct when I took pen in hand. So, before I dared to submit my writing to a prof or an editor, I did a significant amount of editing to make my handiwork acceptable.
- By Glen Argan
Advent time to ponder enduring things
In the early days of Advent, the ‘Prayer after Communion’ included the words, “for even now, as we walk amid passing things, you teach us by them to love the things of Heaven and hold fast to what endures.” Having experienced many Advent seasons, I know the truth of the words, “We walk amid passing things.” Still, I prefer to contemplate the words, “Love the things of Heaven and hold fast to what endures”.
- By Harry McAvoy
The honour of knowing Bishop Fred Henry
Whoever aspires to the office of bishop desires a noble task.
1 Timothy 3: 1
Driving to work one cold January day in 2016, I heard an announcement on the radio that the Bishop of the Diocese of Calgary, Frederick B. Henry, was officially announcing his retirement after 19 years as a bishop. I can’t say I was surprised, but I certainly felt a tug of sadness.
The places you'll go!
Discounting the brief wave and greeting I directed to Toronto Archbishop Francis Leo when I viewed him touring The Catholic Register’s office on Yonge Street from the comfort of my remote workspace in Calgary, I first enjoyed a full-on interaction with the now Cardinal this past January.
More than a few good men
For the most part, we can say the Catholic Church has done its share to make this a better world, and done this very well despite a few hiccups here and there.
Editorial: Return to our humble Maker
In these early days of Advent, when we are immersing ourselves in biblical narratives, we can easily forget that nothing we read in Scripture is there by accident.