Ontario’s Jesuits are using retreats as a way to help homeless people build a caring community of support among themselves.

The right retreat is simply a state of mind, says Jesuit retreat master


Contrary to popular belief, going on retreat does not require a change of scenery, but rather a change in thinking.

Catholic Education Special Section


This week is Catholic Education Week! Click here to check out all of our feature stories on Catholic Education.

Schools ready to go around the globe to solve enrolment issues


Years of declining enrolment are pushing some Catholic school boards to take a far deeper dive into the foreign student market.

Niagara teen excels on all fronts to gain Harvard admission


Emily Hunter expects to do great things at Harvard University starting next September, thanks to the Catholic education she received in Ontario.

Teacher competing in pageant sends beautiful message to students


Stephanie Photopoulos always taught her students at school and at the dance studio that their bodies should be loved and cherished. Now, the young Catholic hopes to prove it to them on stage.

Catholic schools are a vehicle for faith journey


Canada is fortunate to have sociologists like Reginald Bibby working in the field of religious attitudes. His most recent book, Canada’s Catholics, should be on the desk of all administrators, trustees, teachers and priests.

Memories find a place in board’s #MyCatholicEducation Twitter campaign


Sharing school memories — 140 characters at a time — has proven to be great way to celebrate Catholic Education Week for the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board.

Parents go back to school for free French refresher


Every parent knows the importance of having conversations with their kids.

Child’s best interests must guide core beliefs


In my first year off the farm as an undergraduate at the University of Regina, I took a part-time job driving a school bus for a local company.