Is the world moving closer to nuclear war? 

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WASHINGTON – Acts of love, courage and sacrifice by first responders, parents and children alike are hallmarks of a country that is rooted in prayer and deep faith in God, President Donald Trump told the National Prayer Breakfast.
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Recently while doing research, I stumbled upon a speech given by Bobby Kennedy the night Martin Luther King was assassinated in 1968. RFK’s message was simple and heartfelt: divisiveness leads to destruction and we must find ways to come together.
Published in Register Columnists

VATICAN – Following reports that U.S. President Donald Trump planned to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, Pope Francis expressed his concern that such a move would further destabilize the Middle East.

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WASHINGTON – Calling a proposed piece of legislation "discriminatory," the head of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' Committee on Migration called on the president and Congress to reject a bill that seeks to drastically cut legal immigration levels in half over a decade and which also would greatly limit the ability of citizens and legal residents to bring family into the U.S.

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WASHINGTON – Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio of the U.S. Archdiocese for the Military Services offered support for President Donald Trump's reinstatement of a ban on transgender people serving in any branch of the military.

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WASHINGTON – After President Donald Trump announced on Wednesday that persons identifying as transgender could not serve in the U.S. military, theologians and bioethics experts voiced support for the policy change.

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WASHINGTON – The U.S. Supreme Court said grandparents can be included among those who have a "bona fide" relationship with refugees seeking to enter the United States from six majority-Muslim countries under the Trump administration's temporary travel ban.

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WASHINGTON – Amid a federal judge ordering the government to broaden the exemptions to the immigration travel ban upheld partially upheld by the Supreme Court, U.S. Catholic and Lutheran leaders lamented that the immigration cap had been reached for refugees without such exemptions for the 2017 fiscal year.

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WASHINGTON – The Senate Republicans' latest effort to overhaul the Affordable Care Act is "unacceptable" and shows little improvement over the lawmakers' first attempt to reform the federal health care law, said the chairman of the U.S. bishops' domestic policy committee.

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WASHINGTON – The United States House of Representatives on June 29 passed two bills in an effort to crack down on undocumented immigration and sanctuary cities.

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WASHINGTON – Agencies and organizations that help refugees start new lives in the U.S. worry about the fate that awaits migrants in transit as well as those who will not be allowed into the country as the partial ban that the U.S. Supreme Court set in motion with its late June ruling goes into effect in early July.

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WASHINGTON – The chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' Committee on Migration said the country's Catholic bishops are "deeply concerned" about the consequences of the U.S. Supreme Court's decision to allow a partial ban on foreign nationals as it reviews the constitutionality of a wider ban.

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WASHINGTON – The retired Catholic archbishop of Havana called for dialogue between the United States and Cuba, and said it's the only way in which past and present problems can be solved.

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SAN FRANCISCO – The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals denied a White House request to overturn an injunction blocking President Donald Trump's executive order banning travel from six Muslim-majority countries.

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