
TORONTO - Almost $3 million worth of fake receipts for fictional donations to 39 Toronto-area Catholic parishes has landed a Markham, Ont., woman in court.

Government moves slow on no-sweat policy

The federal government can't say when Canadians will get to know whether the prison uniforms it buys are sewn by prison labourers in Myanmar, or whether Canadian army boots are manufactured using child labour.

Canadian philanthropy lags behind Americans

TORONTO - Canadians are the third most generous people in the industrialized world, but only half as generous as Americans.

A spate of recent statistical reports on Canadian philanthropy draws a picture of a nation that opens its wallet, but not too wide.

Three parent ruling draws condemnation

OTTAWA - The Ontario Court of Appeal has recognized three parents in the case of a child being raised by a lesbian couple and has accorded equal rights and obligations to the lesbian partner in addition to the child's biological mother and father.

Canadian bishops express concern about marriage vote

OTTAWA - The president of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops has written Prime Minister Stephen Harper, raising a number of concerns in the wake of a failed motion to restore the traditional definition of marriage.

Bioethics conference examines health

What health means will be thoroughly examined by the Canadian Catholic Bioethics Institute at its 2007 conference in Halifax this coming May.

Manitoba implements no-sweat policy

WINNIPEG - The first province to impose minimum labour standards for the clothes its government buys is Manitoba.

Bishops vow continued fight for marriage

 OTTAWA - Canada's Catholic bishops say the marriage debate is not over, despite the "disappointing" loss of a House of Commons motion to restore the traditional definition.

Bishops call for free vote on marriage

Same Sex MarriageOTTAWA - The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops has urged a completely free vote on a motion on whether to reopen the debate on marriage, one that would allow politicians to vote "in accordance with their conscience" on marriage.

End to housing funds will harm needy

TORONTO - Canada's shelter allowance runs out March 31, and the Catholic agencies that deal with Toronto's homeless population warn that when that happens more and more people will fall through the cracks.

Bishops recommend changes to refugee, migrant policies

OTTAWA - Politicians from several parties welcomed the recommendations Canadian archbishops presented to the House of Commons immigration committee, including the cancellation of the Safe Third Country Agreement, and the elimination of obstacles to family reunification.