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Catholic Register Staff

Catholic Register Staff

James LoneyA year after they were snatched from the streets of Baghdad and repeatedly threatened with death over 118 days, the surviving three members of a kidnapped Christian Peacemaker Teams have forgiven their kidnappers and asked the Iraqi court to show leniency to the men about to stand trial for the crime.

Cardinal Aloysius AmbrozicCardinal Aloysius Ambrozic presided over his last noon Mass at St. Michael’s Cathedral as archbishop of Toronto Dec. 17, using the occasion to thank all those who had worked with him and for him.

TORONTO - The 2007 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity was fired in the crucible of AIDS in Umlazi district, near Durban, South Africa.

Golden Rule posterTORONTO — The Golden Rule poster, a product of the Scarboro Missions interfaith desk, continues to find a home in classrooms and churches around the world.

Cardinal Aloysius AmbrozicTORONTO - More than 2,200 people gathered Nov. 9 to celebrate the 27th annual Cardinal's Dinner and contribute to Cardinal Aloysius Ambrozic's charitable choices in the archdiocese of Toronto.

Archbishop WeisgerberTORONTO - Winnipeg Archbishop James Weisgerber will speak on bridging our differences in a world divided along cultural, economic and religious lines in the sixth annual Somerville Lecture on Nov. 30 and Dec. 1.

{mosimage}TORONTO - A new religious order has joined the archdiocese of Toronto.

Three Sisters of Life arrived Aug. 27 to open the order’s first Canadian chapter.

{mosimage}TORONTO - St. Matthew Catholic School teacher Kateri Vrakking won a silver medal in archery this past summer at the Pan American Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

TORONTO - William Downe, president and chief executive officer of BMO Financial Group, has been appointed as chair of the 28th annual Cardinal’s Dinner, the largest fund-raising dinner in Canada.
TORONTO - A healthy dose of silence and the discipline of meditation are on tap at St. John’s Convent, 233 Cummer Ave. in Toronto, when the Christian Meditation Community of Toronto hosts its May 11-13 retreat.