Francis Campbell: Fundamental truths about Kavanaugh hearing circus cannot be ignored

Never let the truth get in the way of a good story. That old newsroom jest has been bandied about for years, especially when questioning a dubious article in a rival publication.

Charles Lewis: Alabama needs to fight for Ten Commandments

The State of Alabama has had a controversial relationship with the Ten Commandments. Not so much its teachings but its physical representation.

Peter Stockland: Canada on hot seat for freedom forum

The phrases “hot ticket” and “religious freedom forum” appear only infrequently in the same sentence, especially on Parliament Hill where the operative word is secularism, secularism and more secularism.

Figure of Speech: Listen to what the Lord wants us to hear

Mondegreens are those wonderful phenomena in language where a misheard phrase is substituted for the real thing, usually in music. The term comes from American writer Sylvia Wright who explained that she misheard the phrase “and laid him on the green” in a Scottish ballad as “and Lady Mondegreen.” 

Cathy Majtenyi: Terry Fox reminds us all of need for compassion

He was exhausted, lonely, in pain and occasionally maligned. But he carried a vision in his head and a love in his heart that kept him going despite the circumstances.

Glen Argan: We can't allow ourselves to be victims

For several months, I have been attending yoga classes. As a tall man who has been crammed into ill-fitting chairs and desks all my life, I find these classes difficult. My body is stiff. I can be frustrated because of my inability to do poses others do so readily.

Bob Brehl: Will Vatican meeting lead to real change?

Frustrated by the Church’s inability to defuse long-running clergy sex scandals, Pope Francis has summoned the worldwide presidents of Catholic bishops conferences to the Vatican in February to find better ways to protect children and eradicate predatory priests.

Luke Stocking: Time to overcome fear

How little it takes. How few people cross our borders before we allow narratives of fear to start taking hold of us. 

Charles Lewis: The papal office deserves a defence

Before I became a Catholic 10 years ago I viewed the papacy as a monarchy, representing great strength and self-assurance. 

Church on the street: Don’t be afraid to ‘put out into the deep’

In a remote fishing village, the people became accustomed to the pounding of the heavy seas which imperiled every boat leaving their harbour, but they never could become accustomed to the deaths. The deaths of fishermen caught in the grip of an uncompromising ocean in the dead of night.