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Onward Catholic soldiers

Did wearing my big brother’s army jacket make me a soldier? Does attending the Eucharistic celebration and praying aloud, while “going our own way” otherwise, make me a Catholic? Certainly not. Bishop Fulton Sheen wrote that attending Mass religiously is the least one “must” do to be Catholic.  There is knowledge, education, training and an absolute “way of life” to be lived, to be a soldier, and probably even more so, to be a genuine, mature, Catholic. Belief in acceptance of, and surrender to, Christ and “all things Catholic” is of course necessary for true Catholicism. 

Faithful treasure

The Catholic faith is to submit to the Good Shepherd and the rock, His Church. Humans are flawed so we fall short. Humans are culture and the dominant culture is skewed from the way, the truth and the life so I was neither shocked nor surprised by the results of the poll. A devout Catholic is one who enters through the narrow gate because that is where the treasure resides. 

Missing link

Sr. Helena Burns foments the old Judeo-Masonic conspiracy theory that the Freemasons were behind the French Revolution and Karl Marx’s writings in her May 26 column (“Christ’s face defeats anti-God Communists”).

Hand it out, they will come

Regarding The Catholic Register’s May 25 news story and editorial on drug decriminalization, a key concept in the field of substance-related public policy is availability, which refers to the overall ease with which a given substance can be obtained.

Holy Land bias

I was disappointed with the Register’s April 21 front page and page 5 article. It was a one-sided view of a very complicated situation.

Greater good

When I read Quinton Amundson’s April 28 article “St. John’s closures ‘canonically unsound,’ ” I couldn’t help thinking that it reveals another instance of the Church trying to evade its responsibilities to victims of sexual abuse.

Missing God’s Word

I have very much missed the God’s Word on Sunday column by Fr. Scott Lewis the last three weeks. I hope his column will soon return. Over many years my husband and I have looked forward to reading it every week before attending Sunday Mass.

Anne Jankulak

Thornhill, Ont.

(We’re listening – the Editor.)

Delete ‘barbarians’

I was shocked by the headline on the April 21 issue of The Catholic Register.

MAiD money

As Alex Schadenberg points out in his April 28 Verbatim article, the commitment of the federal government to State-sponsored killing has gained astonishing momentum. Though promoted as mercy, the program looks more like an economically motivated cull. No doubt Canadians who are alive are more expensive than Canadians who are dead.

Lise Anglin,


(But…we save the whales – the Editor.)

Hellish cold

It was an overcast sky and I despaired of any sighting when the miracle occurred.