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Readers Speak Out: April 25, 2021

Total contradiction

Re: Faithful find worship restrictions harsh (April 11):

It’s true that government COVID restrictions put on religious groups have been harsh. In Toronto, the Catholic Church has co-operated in following COVID protocols. Despite this, our churches have been given stringent restrictions not applied to liquor, beer and big box stores. Why?

Readers Speak Out: April 18, 2021

Assist D&P

Re: Religious raise concerns with D&P investigation (March 28):

Kudos to Mr. Swan’s report, in which Fr. Eric Oland, Jesuit Provincial Superior, and Br. Louis Cinq-Mars, former president of the Canadian Religious Conference, deplore the withholding of funds from the poorest of the poor for fear some of the funds could be used for family planning.

Readers Speak Out: April 11, 2021

(Editor’s note: The restrictions on worship have been felt across the country, perhaps most profoundly in British Columbia, where indoor services were banned  again just before Easter as COVID cases rose. Our first two letters dealing with the closures are reprinted from The B.C. Catholic)

Readers Speak Out: April 4, 2021

Lives deprived

The government of Argentina — a country that has given us Pope Francis — recently legalized abortion up to the 14th week of pregnancy. It has decided to break God’s fifth commandment — “Thou shalt not kill.” How shameful, disrespectful and irreverent.

Readers Speak Out: March 28, 2021

Lenten warmth

Just a couple of things I feel are noteworthy for they have warmed my heart in these past Lenten weeks. 

Readers Speak Out: March 21, 2021

Justice denied

The jailing of Fr. Stan Swamy for defending the human rights of an impoverished group against their overlords supported by a bigoted Hindhu fundamentalist political party makes a complete mockery of India’s boast of being the largest democracy in the world.

Readers Speak Out: March 14, 2021

Love story

Re: Is technology threatening our humanity? (Jan. 17):

My youngest son was born in 2015. On the third day of his life, the geneticist told me that my son was born with Trisomy 21, otherwise known as Down syndrome.

Readers Speak Out: March 7, 2021

Open doors

Re: Woman granted voting rights for bishops’ synod (Feb. 14):

After reading the article concerning the appointment of Sr. Nathalie Becquart to the general secretariat of the synod of bishops, it made me think of Jennie Trout and Emily Stowe, the first female physicians in Canada, some 140 years ago, and the suffragist movement which very gradually gave the vote to women in Canada.

Readers Speak Out: February 28, 2021

Bad match

Re: Missal updated in Canada (Feb. 21):

Changing the Collect Prayer to read “God, forever and ever” ignores the beauty of the English language itself, which clearly expresses the community of the Holy Father in His three divine personas: the Lord Himself, the Holy Son and the Spirit. Saying “One God” reminds the believer that God’s magnificence is embodied by three partners who are united in one form, the Trinity.

Readers Speak Out: February 21, 2021

Special niece

Re: Is technology threatening our humanity? (Jan. 17):

I was impressed with Charles Lewis’ article. We have a niece who is Down’s Syndrome. Sarah is now 39. She was born with major heart and other problems. I was working in Kingston when her parents brought her as a baby to the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto,  I was shocked what I saw — this little baby with tubes and machines keeping her alive.