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Readers Speak Out: January 10, 2021

Follow science

While most churches, synagogues and temples have followed the COVID-19 guidelines of Dr. Bonnie Henry there have been several faith communities in B.C. (and the U.S, including Trump with his rallies) who have repudiated these directives, maintaining their God-given and constitutional right to meet face to face. 

Readers Speak Out: December 27, 2020

No evidence

Re: Mass is essential to our Catholic life (Dec. 9):

Charles Lewis rightly says that the “Mass is essential” to Catholics but that the Ontario government doesn’t understand this. The government recently demonstrated this when it tried to stop COVID spread by forcing Toronto churches to close. No evidence was offered to justify the action. Ironically, just a few weeks prior Premier Doug Ford said that churches had done a “great job” of preventing infection.

Readers Speak Out: December 20, 2020

Legal opening

Re: Liberals to implement UN’s Indigenous rights declaration (Dec. 3):

The Trudeau government’s vow to implement Bill C-15, legislation based on the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), is certainly a welcome move in that it will inject the full colour and spirit of that document into the Canadian legal system. At its core, the declaration expresses the uniqueness of Indigenous cultures, their ties to the land itself, their spirituality and the necessity of preserving their right to self-determination; this is necessary for their survival and undoing the harm of colonization and racism.

Readers Speak Out: December 13, 2020

Ordinary acts

We commend Glen Argan for his courageous column (Nov. 22) on the sexual abuse by clergy.  He says “ordinary people” have done great things for the world by “telling the truth … or witnessing to an injustice.”

Readers Speak Out: December 6, 2020

Thin disguise

It is so hard to understand how so many educated, God- loving people actually accept the lies poured out by Donald Trump (DT). DT looks for the hot topics that push people’s buttons i.e. abortion, then promotes his supposed stance on that topic for one solitary reason, to garner and stay in power. He does not care about abortion personally one way or another, but if saying he is against it garners him some votes he is against it. The devil comes under many disguises but when it comes to DT his disguise is very thinly veiled.

Readers Speak Out: November 29, 2020

Risky business

Pope Francis should be commended for his persistent attempts to reach a mutual agreement with the Chinese government on exercising the rights of the papacy in the governance of the Catholic Church in China. The probability of his success, in my opinion, is minimal, based on China’s recent unilateral abrogation of its “one country two systems” treaty with the UK.

Readers Speak Out: November 22, 2020

Tough sell

Mary Marrocco’s well-written and timely Oct. 11 essay “Superstition has no place in life of faith” disputes the charge made by non-believers that faith is only superstition.

Readers Speak Out: November 15, 2020

Racism virus

Regardless of what readers wish to believe (Sept. 27 letter to the editor), Canada houses untold examples of systemic racism. Now more than ever, partly due perhaps to the total disrespect for individuals of other races and beliefs as demonstrated by the present leadership to our south, violent acts of racism occur far too often in this country/province/city of ours. As Pope Francis states in Fratelli Tutti: “God has created all human beings equal in rights, duties and dignity.” 

Readers Speak Out: November 8, 2020

Serious decline

I read with some concern your article of Oct. 24, “Regis, St. Mike’s alliance in works.” When, during my tenure as President of the University of St. Michael’s College (2015-18), I found that similar discussions had been launched, I argued against the initiative. Our faculty of theology was losing money and students and was, in my view, struggling academically. To the extent that it had an identity, it was largely indistinguishable from the sad, secular drift of the Toronto School of Theology.

Readers Speak Out: November 1, 2020

Democrat posturing

Stan Swamy is an 83-year-old Jesuit priest and for the past 30 or more years has helped the poorest of the poor to exercise their human rights, for which he has now been accused of being a terrorist by Narendra Modi’s BJP government and is now languishing in jail.