Write to The Editor:

The Catholic Register, 1155 Yonge St., Toronto, Ontario M4T 1W2

Letters should be brief and must include full name, address and phone number (street and phone number will not be published). Letters may be edited for length and clarity. Also, join the conversation at The Catholic Register's Facebook or Twitter

Peace be with us

I am very disappointed in the articles in The Catholic Register on current wars. This is a religious publication purportedly supporting the thoughts of Pope Francis. Let it do so. Let us have more news about the works of our Pope and his ambassadors to Ukraine, Russia, Israel and Palestine. We do not need the chest thumping and righteous anger spewed out in the current publication. Do I have to look in The Toronto Star for news of the great works of our Pope? Should I not hear such news amidst calming, peace-calling solutions from your newspaper?

In praise of altar servers

In the Oct. 15 issue, Glen Argan laments the drop in priestly vocations in Canada (“Still waiting for Vatican II to bear fruit”). He believes that if the laity follow their call to be the light of the world, more vocations will be forthcoming. Vocations to the priesthood often began with the experience of altar boys. The tendency to downplay the importance of altar servers discourages vocations.

One little thing

Anna Farrow’s excellent article about consecrated virgins in the Nov. 5 edition was a joy to read, but there is an error. The actual name of this ecclesiastical province is the Archdiocese of Ottawa-Cornwall, having been formed by a merger of the Archdiocese of Ottawa with the Diocese of Alexandria-Cornwall in 2020.

Now that’s it

The Editor’s  response to John Killackey’s “Let the revolution begin” letter of Oct. 22 was cute but incomplete.

It’s a start

Regarding the Editor’s comment on my letter published in The Catholic Register Oct. 22 issue:

Interrogate the truth of "Nazi" claims

I must respond to the column by Peter Stockland in the "What is history without the truth?" in October 15 issue of The Catholic Register.

Piercing God’s heart

Demotion of God from public ceremonies has officially begun with the Oct. 20 directive that our chaplains can’t use words such as “God,” “Heavenly Father” and “prayer” under the pretext of not wanting to displease a few discontented atheists.

History matters

I am writing to express regret at the most unfortunate use of the word “Polish” when referring to a German Nazi concentration camp in an otherwise very interesting article published on Sept. 24 issue of The Catholic Register, a piece written by Carol Glatz (Catholic News Service).

Let the revolution begin

I detest The Catholic Register. The paper is largely a fraud. A name change to The Register or, even more appropriately, The Anti-Catholic Register could occur without argument. The staff writers laud a pope who borders on the heretical with the current synod, is restructuring the Church in ways that are aligned with the world and against the faith, will ensure its demise, and whose very legitimacy as pope is being questioned.   

Speak, bishops, speak

The Sept. 20 Register article “Gender ideology rallies draw thousands” concludes with this sentence: “A number of public school boards issued statements in support of the LGBT community as the rallies took place, but Catholic boards remained silent.”