Editorial: The work begins

The remarkable summit on sex abuse has ended but its work is far from done.

Glen Argan: Oilsands pastoral letter deserves attention

Ten years ago, on Jan. 25, 2009, Bishop Luc Bouchard, then bishop of St. Paul, Alta., issued one of the most courageous and most ignored pastoral letters in Canadian Church history. “The Integrity of Creation and the Athabasca Oil Sands” did create a brief firestorm before dropping out of the public eye. On the 10th anniversary, nary a mention was made of the letter.

God's Word on Sunday: The high road is built on compassion

Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, Feb. 24 (Year C) 1 Samuel 26:2, 7-9, 12-13, 22-25; Psalm 103; 1 Corinthians 15:45-49; Luke 6:27-38

Bob Brehl: Toronto priest doesn’t pull any punches on clerical abuse

Even before Pope Francis called on bishops from around the globe to meet for a Vatican sex abuse summit, a Toronto priest was travelling to parishes to talk about the origins of and solutions to clergy abuse of minors.

Peter Stockland: ‘Priestly problem’ must be tackled

Long ago, a childhood friend and I were walking across an old wooden bridge in the small town where we lived when a car stopped to offer us a ride. The local priest was at the wheel.

Fr. Raymond J. de Souza: Sex abuse summit is catch-up time for much of the world

It is déjà vu all over again for Canadian bishops who travelled to Rome for the Vatican’s meeting on the protection of minors in the Church.

Editorial: A sound decision

As the saying goes, no news is good news.

Francis Campbell: Church, newspapers look to turn the tide

It sometimes seems that you are playing for the losing team.

Cathy Majtenyi: Health care discussions don’t belong in backroom

It was a dramatic scene at Queen’s Park on Jan. 31: NDP Leader Andrea Horwath waving a copy of The Health System Efficiency Act 2019, a leaked bill that would see the Ontario government create a “super agency” to manage the province’s health care system.

Barefoot and Preaching: The evolution of my love takes many turns

Fluffy snow covered the sidewalk when I opened the garage door to leave for work. 

Editorial: Francis takes the lead

The much-anticipated Vatican summit on clerical sexual abuse of minors is still days away but perhaps the strongest declaration to be expected from this unprecedented gathering of bishops has already been made.