God's word on Sunday: Life-giving God works on several levels

13th Sunday in Ordinary Time, July 1 (Year B) Wisdom 1:13-15; 2:23-24; Psalm 30; 2 Corinthians 8:7, 9, 13-15; Mark 5:21-43

Bishop Barron: Jurassic Park is no place to fool with Mother Nature

The original Jurassic Park film from 25 years ago rather inventively explored a theme that has been prominent in Western culture from the time of the Romantic reaction to the Enlightenment — namely, the dangers of an aggressive and arrogant rationalism.

God's word on Sunday: We all have a role in God’s plan

Nativity of John the Baptist (Year B) June 24 (Isaiah 49:1-6; Psalm 139; Acts 13:22-26; Luke 1:57-66, 80)

Cathy Majtenyi: Smartphone addiction puts youth mental health at risk

On June 1, the Boys and Girls Clubs of Canada held a national event that many of today’s young people would find highly challenging: spending one hour away from their smartphones.

Peter Stockland: There’s a silver lining in the Trinity Western decision

Anyone looking for hope from the June 15 Supreme Court of Canada decision on Trinity Western University can find it shining in the pages of the judgment itself.

Charles Lewis: Opus Dei myths far removed from reality

In 2010 I was invited to take part in an eight-day course called The Church Up Close. It was held in Rome in a stunning building occupied by Opus Dei called Santa Croce. It was located off the equally stunning Piazza Navona.

Editorial: Stop the madness

If mercy and justice prevail, by the time this editorial is being read the American government will have reversed its immoral practice of separating migrant children from parents and sending children to separate detention centres.

Figure of speech: Is anything so beautiful as the magical alchemy of sacred language?

I grew up in a hardware store. Not one of the fancy big box stores that occupy acres of inner city landscapes. My dad’s store was a small, rundown shack that he built as far out in the city as he could in order to afford the land. 

Church on the Street: A reminder that ‘we are all one of them’

It is wonderful the theology we learn in coffee shops.

Robert Brehl: Nicaragua's Ortega has become the tyrant he once opposed

Thirty years ago I was in Nicaragua as Daniel Ortega’s first presidency was approaching its best-before date. Apart from a trip to the Holy Land, it was the most inspirational trip of my life because of the people I met, the hardships they endured at the hands of the Americans, and the hopes and dreams that filled their hearts.

God's word on Sunday: We can foster growth of God’s kingdom

11th Sunday in Ordinary Time, June 17 (Year B) Ezekiel 17:22-24; Psalm 92; 2 Corinthians 5:6-10; Mark 4:26-34