Speak, bishops, speak

The Sept. 20 Register article “Gender ideology rallies draw thousands” concludes with this sentence: “A number of public school boards issued statements in support of the LGBT community as the rallies took place, but Catholic boards remained silent.”

Editorial: Pray for the victims, on all sides

We applaud and magnify the sombre yet vital words the good people of Christian-Jewish Dialogue of Toronto issued in the aftermath of last weekend’s heart-wrenching atrocities in the Holy Land.

‘They were killed because they were Jewish’

My sister is a Shabbat-observing Orthodox Jew. When I saw the news trickling out of Israel on Saturday morning, I knew I wouldn’t be able to check in with her until that night. Her phone is off from Friday evening until Saturday sundown. Then I remembered that it was Simchat Torah, and that observant Jews in the U.S. wouldn’t be turning their phones back on until Sunday evening.

Verbatim: A very brief recent history of Catholics and Jews

A very brief recent history of Catholics and Jews…

  • October 12, 2023

Historical inaccuracy

Carol Glatz’s article “Jesuit letter revealing Nazi atrocities discovered” in the Sept. 24  Catholic Register contains inaccurate, not to mention hurtful connotations.

Editorial: ‘Let him hear’

October will be a listening time for Catholics worldwide as the Synod on Synodality rolls on in Rome.