Beyond absurdity

Last week, two vibrant Catholic voices spoke on the same night in venues across the street from each other in downtown Toronto.

Let’s get at it

Justin Trudeau’s promise to bring 25,000 Syrian refugees to Canada by year end is implausible. Totally ridiculous. Absurd. So let’s roll up our sleeves and make it happen.

Withered family

What is closer to home than the family? It is the blueprint of who we are and, often, what we hope to become. It is from the family that we derive our personal and social identity. Family shapes and moulds our moral values and disciplines our behaviour.

Care, not killing

Most of Canada’s incoming parliamentarians were on the campaign trail in September and probably missed the inspiring address Pope Francis gave to U.S. Congress. If so, that’s a shame. His speech was made for America but a perfect fit for Canada.

Harriet’s spirit wins out in the long run

The brutality of life on the streets could not defeat this ‘I used to be famous’ woman

There are evenings when I am walking the streets that deep theological insights come abruptly to my mind. This was one such evening.

Synod success

In his closing address at the Synod of Bishops on the Family, Pope Francis said the meeting of Church leaders was never intended to solve all the problems that afflict modern families. The Synod, he said, was a forum to study the family and assess its many challenges “fearlessly, without burying our heads in the sand.”

The Synod’s curious biblical commentary

VATICAN CITY - One of the most repeated themes during the Synod on the Family was the need for a more biblically based approach. The original working document for the Synod — the Instrumentum Laboris — came in for repeated and severe criticism for taking as its starting point sociological data rather than the Word of God.

Harriet’s salvation

The screen faded to black and as the music drifted into the evening air the audience sat in silence. When the lights came up in the movie theatre, two women were standing in front of the screen and the audience rose in applause.

Sign of the times

For several decades a cornerstone of the work undertaken by the religious order founded in India by Mother Teresa was finding safe homes for orphaned children. Thousands of destitute and abandoned children have met loving parents through adoptions arranged by the Missionaries of Charity.

Which Canadian way will alter the Tiber?

VATICAN CITY - Canadians had a rather prominent role in the first week of the Synod on the Family. Two of the language- based discussion groups elected Canadians as their moderators — Cardinal Thomas Collins of Toronto for one of the English groups, and Cardinal Gerald Lacroix for one of the French.

Make votes count

The newspaper business has a long tradition of endorsing candidates on the eve of an election.