Stand for our values

The Catholic Register’s recent editorial “What reason for Pride season?” sounds like a secular commentary on gay culture and trans individuals.

Editorial: Bishop Henry’s line in the sand

Canada’s Catholic hierarchy is being reminded why even the “Lord” backed down in a contretemps with Calgary’s Bishop Emeritus Fred Henry. At the very least, they will learn again that His Grace is not for turning.

Verbatim: Pope Francis on 50th anniversary of Vatican Museum's collection of modern art

Pope Francis’ address to artists on the 50th anniversary of the inauguration of the Vatican Museum’s collection of modern art.

  • June 29, 2023

Now it’s time to ‘do the good’

I have just returned from a week singing under the California sun. Not favourite lyrics from the Beach Boys though, but Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets. Along with 74 other choristers, choir directors and organists who attended a Sacred Music Symposium hosted by St. John the Baptist Parish in Orange County, I return to my home parish eager to put into practice what I have learned.

Editorial: Good intentions gone bad, again

The culture wars have kicked up yet another reductio ad absurdum ruckus with the revelation that a pro-diversity website at Johns Hopkins University defined lesbians as non-men attracted to other non-men.

History repeating

One of the advantages of old age is the benefit of having lived through a lot of history unknown or ignored by younger generations.

Verbatim: Excerpt from OCSTA's 2010 publication “Becoming a Catholic School Trustee”

A timely excerpt from the Ontario Catholic School Trustees’ 2010 publication “Becoming a Catholic School Trustee” posted on the website of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops.

  • June 23, 2023